PyBemolle is a pygments library plugin made to colorize guitar chords
This is an example of how this library works:
Install pygments and pybemolle lib into your python environment:
pip install pygments && pip install pybemolle
Make test.bemolle file:
;; A Asus4 A
Deep down Louisiana close to New Orleans
;; Asus4 A
Way back up in the woods among the ever greens
;; D
There stood a log cabin made of earth and wood
;; A Asus4 A
Where lived a country boy named Johnny B. Goode
;; E E7* E
Who never ever learned to read or write so well
;; A Asus4 A
But he could play the guitar just like a ringing a bell
;; A
Go go, Go Johnny go go, Go Johnny go
;; D
Go, Go Johnny go
;; A
Go, Go Johnny go
;; E E7 A
Go,Johnny B. Goode
Compile it to html code using pygments tool:
pygmentize -f html -O full -o test.html test.bemolle
The same example using python code:
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
from pygments.formatters import get_formatter_by_name
song = '''
;; A Asus4 A
Deep down Louisiana close to New Orleans
;; Asus4 A
Way back up in the woods among the ever greens
;; D
There stood a log cabin made of earth and wood
;; A Asus4 A
Where lived a country boy named Johnny B. Goode
;; E E7* E
Who never ever learned to read or write so well
;; A Asus4 A
But he could play the guitar just like a ringing a bell
;; A
Go go, Go Johnny go go, Go Johnny go
;; D
Go, Go Johnny go
;; A
Go, Go Johnny go
;; E E7 A
Go,Johnny B. Goode
lexer = get_lexer_by_name('bemolle', stripall=True)
formatter = get_formatter_by_name('html')
result = highlight(song, lexer, formatter)