Simple plugin for ImageJ that converts a label map into a collection of ROIs integrated into the RoiManager.
The plugin has few dependencies:
- ImageJ
- JUnit (only for tests)
- MorphoLibJ (for representation of polygons)
Simply add the jar file into the "plugins" directory of ImageJ or Fiji. Then a new option "Region Boundary Polygons" is available in the "Plugins -> LabelMaps Utils" menu.
The plugins displays a dialog that allows to choose the connectivity to use (can be either 4 or 8), and the pattern of the names of the regions to create. Default name pattern is "r%03d", generating region names like "r000", "r001"... When a given region is bounded by several boundaries (regions with holes, or regions with multiple disconnected parts), names are suffixed by the boundary index: "r023-0", "r023-1".