IoT Workshop based on Apache Druid with AWS IoT Core and streaming through Kinesis. In this workshop we will explain the benefits of sending IoT device data from AWS IoT Core to Imply’s real-time monitoring and observability platform. We will also walk you through a step-by-step approach to using AWS IoT Core and Imply to build a real-time analytics application to help operators and other end users monitor, diagnose, and resolve production issues.
Learn how to connect Imply Polaris to AWS IoT Core over MQTT and stream vehicle telemetry data from simulated sensors streamed through Kinesis. Workshop attendees will learn about Imply Polaris, AWS IoT Core, IoT Simulator, MQTT, Kinesis, cloud storage, data analytics and visualisation techniques.
Follow the links to access the different sections of the course:
Provides an overview to the course, introduces the several building blocks of generating and streaming IoT telemetry/sensor data. It gets you to setup the devices and stream the data through Kinesis, ingest to Polaris and finally visualize the data solving some key challenges in toy's IoT real time streaming world.
The second part of the workshop looks at the AWS IoT core and how you connect devices using the MQTT protocol. You will also delve into how the IoT Simulator is leveraged to simulate sensor data that IoT Core makes use of.
In this section you will look at using Kinesis to stream data into Polaris. You will create dashboards to visualise the IoT data. This will ensure a complete end to end pipeline.
The last part of the workshop looks at how useful information can be extracted from the IoT data using analytics. You will be introduced to the Analytic services available on the Imply Polaris and the insight this provides to help you resolve some of the challenges in the current day IoT world (Part 1)
Timing of the day can be found in the agenda)
We've provided all the links used throughout the workshop as well as links to other resources here to help you explore a little more about Imply Polaris.