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khieta committed Jul 26, 2022
1 parent 1e5db30 commit 611cc9b
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Showing 8 changed files with 25 additions and 1,176 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion DiscreteProb.v
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Expand Up @@ -1501,7 +1501,6 @@ Proof.
rewrite <- le_plus_minus in H0.
rewrite plus_comm in H0.
Search (?a <= _ * ?a)%nat.
destruct (mult_O_le (2^k) (2^n))%nat; auto.
assert (2 <> 0)%nat by lia.
apply (pow_positive 2 n) in H2.
Expand Down
108 changes: 0 additions & 108 deletions FTA.v
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Expand Up @@ -2,114 +2,6 @@ Require Import Polar.
Require Export Ctopology.
Require Import Setoid.

(* defining Rsum and some lemmas (does this exist already??) *)

Fixpoint Rsum (f : nat -> R) (n : nat) : R :=
match n with
| 0 => 0
| S n' => (Rsum f n' + f n')%R
Lemma Rsum_eq : forall f g n, f = g -> Rsum f n = Rsum g n.
Proof. intros f g n H. subst. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma Rsum_0_bounded : forall f n, (forall x, (x < n)%nat -> f x = 0) -> Rsum f n = 0.
induction n.
- reflexivity.
- simpl.
rewrite IHn, H.
apply H.
Lemma Rsum_eq_bounded : forall f g n, (forall x, (x < n)%nat -> f x = g x) -> Rsum f n = Rsum g n.
intros f g n H.
induction n.
+ simpl. reflexivity.
+ simpl.
rewrite H by lia.
rewrite IHn by (intros; apply H; lia).
Lemma Rsum_plus : forall f g n, Rsum (fun x => (f x + g x)%R) n = (Rsum f n + Rsum g n)%R.
intros f g n.
induction n.
+ simpl. lra.
+ simpl. rewrite IHn. lra.
Lemma Rsum_mult_l : forall c f n, (c * Rsum f n = Rsum (fun x => c * f x) n)%R.
intros c f n.
induction n.
+ simpl; lra.
+ simpl.
rewrite Rmult_plus_distr_l.
rewrite IHn.
Lemma Rsum_mult_r : forall c f n, (Rsum f n * c = Rsum (fun x => f x * c) n)%R.
intros c f n.
induction n.
+ simpl; lra.
+ simpl.
rewrite Rmult_plus_distr_r.
rewrite IHn.
Lemma Rsum_extend_r : forall n f, (Rsum f n + f n)%R = Rsum f (S n).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma Rsum_extend_l : forall n f, (f O + Rsum (fun x => f (S x)) n)%R = Rsum f (S n).
intros n f.
induction n.
+ simpl; lra.
+ simpl.
rewrite <- Rplus_assoc.
rewrite IHn.
Lemma Rsum_sum : forall m n f, Rsum f (m + n) =
(Rsum f m + Rsum (fun x => f (m + x)%nat) n)%R.
intros m n f.
induction m.
+ simpl. rewrite Rplus_0_l. reflexivity.
+ simpl.
rewrite IHm.
repeat rewrite <- Rplus_assoc.
remember (fun y => f (m + y)%nat) as g.
replace (f m) with (g O) by (subst; rewrite plus_0_r; reflexivity).
replace (f (m + n)%nat) with (g n) by (subst; reflexivity).
replace (Rsum (fun x : nat => f (S (m + x))) n) with
(Rsum (fun x : nat => g (S x)) n).
2:{ apply Rsum_eq; subst. apply functional_extensionality.
intros; rewrite <- plus_n_Sm. reflexivity. }
repeat rewrite Rplus_assoc.
rewrite Rsum_extend_l.
rewrite Rsum_extend_r.

(* defining poly_coef_norm and showing how it can be used as a bound *)
Expand Down
15 changes: 0 additions & 15 deletions Measurement.v
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Expand Up @@ -50,20 +50,6 @@ Proof.
all: bdestruct_all; lca.

Lemma Rsum_Msum : forall n (f : nat -> Square 1),
big_sum (fun i : nat => fst (f i O O)) n = fst (big_sum f O O n).
rewrite Msum_Csum.
rewrite <- Rsum_Csum.
induction n; simpl.
rewrite IHn.

Lemma prob_partial_meas_alt :
forall {m n} (ϕ : Vector (2^m)) (ψ : Vector (2^(m + n))),
@prob_partial_meas m n ϕ ψ = ((norm ((ϕ ⊗ I (2 ^ n))† × ψ)) ^ 2)%R.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,7 +84,6 @@ Proof.
destruct a; destruct b; easy.

Lemma partial_meas_tensor :
forall {m n} (ϕ : Vector (2^m)) (ψ1 : Vector (2^m)) (ψ2 : Vector (2^n)),
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50 changes: 0 additions & 50 deletions Prelim.v
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Expand Up @@ -419,53 +419,3 @@ Proof. induction n as [| n'].

#[export] Hint Resolve firstn_subset skipn_subset : sub_db.

(** Sums over natural numbers *)

Fixpoint Nsum (n : nat) (f : nat -> nat) :=
match n with
| O => O
| S n' => (Nsum n' f + f n')%nat

Lemma Nsum_eq : forall n f g,
(forall x, (x < n)%nat -> f x = g x) ->
Nsum n f = Nsum n g.
intros. induction n. easy.
simpl. rewrite IHn. rewrite H. easy.
lia. intros. apply H. lia.

Lemma Nsum_scale : forall n f d,
(Nsum n (fun i => d * f i) = d * Nsum n f)%nat.
intros. induction n. simpl. lia.
simpl. rewrite IHn. lia.

Lemma Nsum_le : forall n f g,
(forall x, x < n -> f x <= g x)%nat ->
(Nsum n f <= Nsum n g)%nat.
intros. induction n. simpl. easy.
assert (f n <= g n)%nat.
{ apply H. lia. }
assert (Nsum n f <= Nsum n g)%nat.
{ apply IHn. intros. apply H. lia. }

Lemma Nsum_add : forall n f g,
(Nsum n (fun i => f i + g i) = Nsum n f + Nsum n g)%nat.
intros. induction n. easy.
simpl. rewrite IHn. lia.

Lemma Nsum_zero : forall n, Nsum n (fun _ => O) = O.
induction n. easy.
simpl. rewrite IHn. easy.
16 changes: 0 additions & 16 deletions Quantum.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1872,22 +1872,6 @@ Proof.

(* This is compose_super_correct
Lemma WF_Superoperator_compose : forall m n p (s : Superoperator n p) (s' : Superoperator m n),
WF_Superoperator s ->
WF_Superoperator s' ->
WF_Superoperator (compose_super s s').
unfold WF_Superoperator.
intros m n p s s' H H0 ρ H1.
unfold compose_super.
apply H.
apply H0.

(* Automation *)
Expand Down
137 changes: 0 additions & 137 deletions RealAux.v
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Expand Up @@ -376,140 +376,3 @@ Proof. induction n as [| n'].
apply IHn'; intros; apply H; lia.
apply H; lia.

(** * Sums *)

(* TODO: merge with the above *)
Definition Rsum (n : nat) (f : nat -> R) : R :=
match n with
| O => 0
| S n => sum_f_R0 f n

Lemma Rsum_geq :
forall n (f : nat -> R) A,
(forall (i : nat), (i < n)%nat -> f i >= A) ->
Rsum n f >= n * A.
intros. induction n. simpl. lra.
assert (Rsum n f >= n * A).
{ apply IHn. intros. apply H. lia. }
rewrite Rsum_extend. replace (S n * A) with (A + n * A).
apply Rplus_ge_compat.
apply H; lia. assumption.
destruct n. simpl. lra. simpl. lra.
Lemma Rsum_geq_0 :
forall n (f : nat -> R),
(forall (i : nat), (i < n)%nat -> f i >= 0) ->
Rsum n f >= 0.
Proof. intros. specialize (Rsum_geq n f 0 H) as G. lra. Qed.
Lemma Rsum_nonneg_Rsum_zero :
forall n (f : nat -> R),
(forall (i : nat), (i < n)%nat -> f i >= 0) ->
Rsum n f <= 0 ->
Rsum n f = 0.
Proof. intros. specialize (Rsum_geq_0 n f H) as G. lra. Qed.
Lemma Rsum_nonneg_f_zero :
forall n (f : nat -> R),
(forall (i : nat), (i < n)%nat -> f i >= 0) ->
Rsum n f = 0 ->
(forall (i : nat), (i < n)%nat -> f i = 0).
intros. induction n. lia.
rewrite Rsum_extend in H0.
assert (f n >= 0) by (apply H; lia).
assert (forall (i : nat), (i < n)%nat -> f i >= 0) by (intros; apply H; lia).
assert (Rsum n f <= 0) by lra.
specialize (Rsum_nonneg_Rsum_zero n f H3 H4) as G.
destruct (i =? n)%nat eqn:E.
apply beq_nat_true in E. rewrite G in H0. rewrite E. lra.
apply beq_nat_false in E. apply IHn; try assumption. lia.
Lemma rsum_swap_order :
forall (m n : nat) (f : nat -> nat -> R),
sum_f_R0 (fun j => sum_f_R0 (fun i => f j i) m) n = sum_f_R0 (fun i => sum_f_R0 (fun j => f j i) n) m.
intros. induction n; try easy.
simpl. rewrite IHn. rewrite <- sum_plus. reflexivity.
Lemma find_decidable :
forall (m t : nat) (g : nat -> nat),
(exists i, i <= m /\ g i = t)%nat \/ (forall i, i <= m -> g i <> t)%nat.
induction m; intros.
- destruct (dec_eq_nat (g O) t).
+ left. exists O. split; easy.
+ right. intros. replace i with O by lia. easy.
- destruct (IHm t g).
+ left. destruct H. exists x. destruct H. split; lia.
+ destruct (dec_eq_nat (g (S m)) t).
-- left. exists (S m). lia.
-- right. intros. inversion H1. lia. apply H. lia.
Lemma rsum_unique :
forall (n : nat) (f : nat -> R) (r : R),
(exists (i : nat), i <= n /\ f i = r /\ (forall (j : nat), j <= n -> j <> i -> f j = 0)) ->
sum_f_R0 f n = r.
destruct H as (? & ? & ? & ?).
induction n. simpl. apply INR_le in H. inversion H. subst. easy.
simpl. destruct (S n =? x) eqn:E.
- apply beq_nat_true in E.
subst. replace (sum_f_R0 f n) with 0. lra.
symmetry. apply sum_eq_R0. intros. apply H1. apply le_INR. constructor. easy. lia.
- apply beq_nat_false in E.
apply INR_le in H. inversion H. lia. subst. replace (f (S n)) with 0.
rewrite IHn. lra. apply le_INR. easy. intros. apply H1; auto. apply Rle_trans with n; auto.
apply le_INR. lia. symmetry. apply H1; auto. apply Rle_refl.
Theorem rsum_subset :
forall (m n : nat) (f : nat -> R) (g : nat -> nat),
m < n -> (forall (i : nat), 0 <= f i) -> (forall i, i <= m -> g i <= n)%nat ->
(forall i j, i <= m -> j <= m -> g i = g j -> i = j)%nat ->
sum_f_R0 (fun i => f (g i)) m <= sum_f_R0 f n.
set (h := (fun (i : nat) => sum_f_R0 (fun (j : nat) => if i =? g j then f (g j) else 0) m)).
assert (forall (i : nat), i <= n -> h i <= f i).
{ intros. unfold h. simpl.
destruct (find_decidable m i g).
- destruct H4 as (i0 & H4 & H5).
replace (sum_f_R0 (fun j : nat => if i =? g j then f (g j) else 0) m) with (f i). lra.
symmetry. apply rsum_unique. exists i0. split.
+ apply le_INR. easy.
+ split. subst. rewrite Nat.eqb_refl. easy.
intros. assert (i <> g j). unfold not. intros. subst. apply H2 in H8. apply H7. easy.
easy. apply INR_le. easy.
replace (i =? g j) with false. easy. symmetry. apply Nat.eqb_neq. easy.
- replace (sum_f_R0 (fun j : nat => if i =? g j then f (g j) else 0) m) with 0. easy.
symmetry. apply sum_eq_R0. intros. apply H4 in H5. apply Nat.eqb_neq in H5. rewrite Nat.eqb_sym. rewrite H5. easy.
assert (sum_f_R0 h n <= sum_f_R0 f n).
{ apply sum_Rle. intros. apply H3. apply le_INR. easy. }
apply Rle_trans with (sum_f_R0 h n); auto.
unfold h. rewrite rsum_swap_order.
replace (sum_f_R0 (fun i : nat => f (g i)) m) with
(sum_f_R0 (fun i : nat => sum_f_R0 (fun j : nat => if j =? g i then f (g i) else 0) n) m).
apply Rle_refl. apply sum_eq. intros.
apply rsum_unique. exists (g i). split.
- apply le_INR. auto.
- rewrite Nat.eqb_refl. split. easy.
intros. apply Nat.eqb_neq in H7. rewrite H7; easy.

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