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GCP Cookiecutter

This is a mirror/fork from the Ella Cookiecutter to make it findable from github, and explore more options.

Project Template for backend services. Provides easy project creation through a command line interface (cookiecutter), with the configuration of the tech-stack provided ( especially GCP CI/CD pipeline, but also logging, databases, fastapi, socketio, pubsubs, ssr etc.).

How to use this cookiecutter?

Fast version

In order to create a new project that uses this cookiecutter as template, you will need to:

  • (Assuming your current working directory is where you want to create a new project)
  • Clone this repository ella-cookiecutter
  • Create a virtual environment and activate it.
  • Install the requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Execute cookiecutter ella-cookiecutter
  • In terminal, you can now see it waiting for your input. Enter a value for each param (directory name etc.), or press Enter to use the default. Those are all the options for the new repo.
  • Your new project should now be created. Execute ls to verify a new directory with your specified name was created
  • Find the next steps in the <your_project_slug>/ and with the TODO-CONFIG in the generated repo.


  • You can also use the cookiecutter without cloning it before hand, as long as you have cookiecutter, black and ruff installed. then you can execute cookiecutter (use either branch main or tag stable)

What does this cookiecutter contain?

Base Components


  • Git was initialized in the generated repo.
  • There is a gitignore already, excluding common files, the .env file, as well as the logs and the local directories
  • The auto-formatting step was added as separated commit
  • the default branch is main

Webapp + tests

  • FastAPI (REST) app
  • env variables parsing from file (.env) and from process environment
  • pytest with HTTPX (and mongomock) allowing async tests
  • using fixture/factories to prepare required data

CI-CD, GCP deployment

  • docker to build the app (not meant to be used locally)
  • docker-compose to start a mongoDB with docker (for local development)
  • cloudbuild.yaml (two versions,
    • one for building a new image, testing it and saving it in the artifacts registry
    • one for deploying a new revision (usable for all deploy environments through substitutions)
  • For local deployment: environment variables can be set in the deployment/.env file
    • You can define multiple .env files, e.g., .env.local-db. You will simply have to update the EnvSettings.model_config.env_file value


  • Logs for local deployment and for tests (two separate files in directory /logs)
  • Logs for deployment in GCP

Options (require input while creating)

in order of prompting

database - Setup of a DB connection

  1. No setup
  2. Setup for MongoDB through ODM beanie and driver (asynchronous)
  3. Setup for MongoDB through pymongo driver (synchronous)
  4. Setup for MongoDB through driver (asynchronous)
  5. (WIP) Setup for SQL connection

use_socketio - Websockets with

Whether to include (Yes/No) setup code for a (event-driven) application mounted to the fastapi app.

use_graphql - GraphQL app

Whether to mount (Yes/No) a strawberry graphQL application to the fastAPI app (includes a basic ping pong example).

use_gcp_pubsubs - Google Cloud PubSubs

Whether to include (Yes/No) example code for publishing and receiving messages of a push subscription (using the GCP PubSub product).

  • Example subscription - push route, decoding etc.
  • Example publish to PubSub Topic

use_auth0 - Authentication and Authorization

Whether to include (Yes/No) code for authentication and authorization of users following oauth2, through JWTs and JWKS provided by an auth0 tenant. Contains code for authentication via google authentication as well.

  • Auth0
    • Connection to auth0 to retrieve jwks and logic to decode and validate JWTs, usable in any route with Security(get_user(), ["your:permission"]) as parameter in a route.
  • GoogleAuth for service accounts
  • Authentication is mocked in tests and local deployment (via a hardcoded public/private key in this repo), so they can run without internet connection, with easier permission attribution. (For local dev, this can be deactivated with an environment variable MOCK_AUTH set to false (see EnvSettings class))

use_server_side_rendering - SSR Graphical User Interface

  • Whether to add setup for jinja templates as well as an example to have the ability to setup a GUI using server side rendering.

use_gradio - Gradio Graphical User Interface

Whether to mount (Yes/No) a basic gradio UI to the fastAPI app.

How to maintain this cookiecutter

  • I recommend using a virtualenv that has all possible dependencies installed (pip install -r all_possible_requirements.txt).
  • there is one test that tries to generate a new repo for each possible cookiecutter variable combinations. The repo is created in the directory generated_repos, and is deleted after the test if the test passed successfully. To make the repo not deleted if the test failed (cookiecutter default), you have to overwrite some cookiecutter code (see tutorial in the test).
  • After generating a repo, the post_gen_hook runs the tests in this repo (so you have tests running inside a test, testception here we go), as well as ruff. This helps catching mistakes when maintaining this cookiecutter.
  • A useful trick sometimes is to append filenames with the .jinja extension (keep the real extension before the .jinja: e.g. to have templating syntax highlighting. No worries the post_gen_hook will delete all unwanted .jinja file-suffixes for you.
  • The test might take a lot of time. You can run it in parallel (thanks xdist) with pytest -n auto


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