Toro is a tiny framework for PHP that lets you prototype web applications quickly.
The canonical "Hello, world" example:
class MainHandler extends ToroHandler {
public function get() {
echo "Hello, world";
$site = new ToroApplication(Array(
Array('/', 'string', 'MainHandler')
Here is a slightly more advanced application garnished with pseudocode:
class BlogHandler extends ToroHandler {
public function get() {
echo "This the front page of the blog. Load all articles.";
public function get_mobile() {
// _mobile => fires if iPhone/Android/webOS is detected
echo "Load a subset of the articles.";
class ArticleHandler extends ToroHandler {
public function get($slug) {
echo "Load an article that matches the slug: " . $slug;
class CommentHandler extends ToroHandler {
public function post($slug) {
echo "Validate slug - redirect if not found.";
echo "Peek into $_POST, save the comment, and redirect."
public function post_xhr($slug) {
// _xhr => fires if XHR request is detected
echo "Validate, save, and return a JSON blob.";
class SyndicationHandler extends ToroHandler {
public function get() {
echo "Display some recent entries in RSS/Atom.";
$site = new ToroApplication(Array(
Array('/', 'string', 'BlogHandler'),
Array('^\/article\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\/?$', 'regex', 'ArticleHandler'),
Array('^\/comment\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\/?$', 'regex', 'CommentHandler'),
Array('/feed', 'string', 'SyndicationHandler')
Grab the source or packaged download. If you grab the download, you will need to do the following:
tar xvzf torophp-0.1.tar.gz
cd torophp-0.1
cp toro.php /path/to/htdocs/
Couch the following in your Apache configuration or .htaccess:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !^/index.php
RewriteRule ^/(.+)$ /index.php/$1
The immediate plan is to complete the following:
- Support global and handler callbacks.
- Add a skeleton project.
- Improve documentation.
- Setup a mailing list/group.
- Brainstorm a plugin model. What are some good implementations?
Toro is intended to be a minimal framework to help you organize and prototype your next PHP application. As the project's maintainer, it's my goal to make sure the source stays lean and focused.