- dependency-graph - Everything you wanted to know about your project's dependencies.
- updates - How out-of-date are my dependencies?
- coursier - Fetch your dependencies faster...and more friendly.
- revolver - Speed up your dev/test cycle.
- native-packager - Docker, deb, rpm, msi, oh my!
- scoverage - Measure how well your code is tested.
- mima - Prevent unintended binary incompatibilities between releases.
- scalastyle - Is everyone following the style rules?
- jmh - Run benchmarks
- gatling - Load testing with Batling.
- site - Assemble a snazzy website for your project.
- ghpages - Publish that snazzy website on GitHub Pages.
- unidoc - Generate scaladoc HTML, optionally combined with javadoc.
- release - Assist with releases, including version number bumps and git tagging.
- sonatype - Publish to Maven Central
- rig - Simplifies process of running CI on Travis and publishing releases to Sonatype.
- tut - Compile your example code.
- twirl - Render twirl templates.