- Finished
This project was developed for Object-Oriented Programming subject @University of Coimbra, Informatics Engineering
Consists in develop a program that manages publications of an organization called CISUC
- Java
[WARNING] Java must be installed
You have two ways to run this project:
Run the Executable
- Download on folder "bin" the files "ProjetoGestaoGPCISUC.jar"
[your-disk]:[name-path]> java -jar ProjetoGestaoGPCISUC.jar
- Download on folder "bin" the files "ProjetoGestaoGPCISUC.jar"
Using Terminal:
- Download on folder "src" the files *.java only
- Compile the program (this will create a directory Exercicio, where files *.class will be created)
[your-disk]:[name-path]> javac -encoding utf8 -d . *.java
- Finally just run it
[your-disk]:[name-path]> java Exercicio.Main
- Documentation about classes and his methods are in "javadoc" folder, just download this folder and open html files on browser
- The files that are on folder "resources" must be on the same folder of executable (1st way to run) or on the same folder of *.java files (2nd way to run)
- For the 1st way to run, the files referred must be on the same folder
- For more information about how the src and resource files are structured read the report