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victorburgos12 edited this page Mar 13, 2018 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the infusionsoft-php wiki(Draft)!

Table of index

  1. Installation
  2. API preparation
  3. Authentications
  4. Making request

1. Installation

How to install infusionsoft-php to your application?

  • Composer

2. API preparation

Steps to connect InfusionSoft to your application

  • Create InfusionSoft developer account
  • Register your application and get "clientKey" and "clientSecret"

3. Authentications

  • Request a new token
  • Refresh token

4. Making request


  1. Appointment
  2. Contact
  • Methods


  • addWithDupCheck() example

$contact = array('FirstName' => 'Victor', 'LastName' => 'Burgos', 'Email' => '[email protected]');

$cid = $infusionsoft->contacts->addWithDupCheck($contact, 'Email');


Retrieves an array with all contacts with the given email address. This searches the Email, Email 2, and Email 3 fields

  • email: string (required)
    • The email address to search with
  • selectedFields: array (required)
    • The contact fields you would like returned

findByEmail() example

$selectedFields = array("Id");

$email = '[email protected]';

$cid = $infusionsoft->contacts->findByEmail($email, $selectedFields);

  1. Custom Field
  2. Order
  3. Product
  4. Tag
  5. Task
  6. Transactions

  1. Data
  • findByField(). Example

infusionsoft->data()->findByField('Company', 10 , 0, 'Company', 'Test company name' , ['AccountId','Company'])

  • add(). Example

infusionsoft->data()->add('Company', ['Company'=>'Test company name'])