git clone https://github.com/HelixLabsDev/eigenfi-ethereum-smart-contract-v2.git
npm install
create a .env file, and copy and paste .env.template
npx hardhat compile
npm run deploy -- --signer [] --weth [] --network [] --chainId [] --initialOwner
npm run deploy -- --signer 0x9A997cdd63535c64F2f265524aa744204C3015C0 --weth 0x6B5817E7091BC0C747741E96820b0199388245EA --network ethereum_holesky --chainId 17000 --initialOwner 0x9A997cdd63535c64F2f265524aa744204C3015C0
- npm run enable-firewall [network] [chainId]
npm run enable-firewall holesky 17000
then change .env file VENN_POLICY_ADDRESS FAUCET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS and EIGENFIPOOL_CONTRACT_ADDRESS you can find VENN_POLICY_ADDRESS in terminal and you can find others in venn.config.json file
- npm run live-test
The contract is initialized with the following set of parameters:
: Address of the signer_tokensAllowed
: Addresses of the tokens to allow_weth
: Address of the WETH
git clone https://github.com/HelixLabsDev/eigenfi-ethereum-smart-contract-v2.git
npm install
create a .env file, and copy and paste .env.template
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat ignition deploy ignition/modules/EigenFiPoolModule.js --network ethereum_sepolia
npm run enable-firewall sepolia 11155111
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