homebridge-plugin to trigger a switch when a specific input and soundmode is active on the Denon receiver. Can be used to trigger lights as i.e. an Apple-TV starts streaming (switches from Stereo to Multi Ch In).
Example - config.json
"bridge": {
"name": "Homebridge",
"username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:51",
"port": 51826,
"pin": "031-45-154"
"accessories": [
"accessory": "DenonSoundmode",
"name": "Denon LivingRoom",
"ip": "",
"inputName": "Apple-TV",
"soundMode": "Multi Ch In",
"doPolling": true,
"pollingInterval": 10
inputName should be set as shown on your front LCD panel. Possible settings (besides custom labels):
- 'CD'
- 'DVD'
- 'BD' (Bluray)
- 'GAME'
- 'GAME2'
- 'AUX1'
- 'MPLAY' (Media Player)
- 'TV'
- 'IRADIO' (Internet Radio)
- 'DOCK'
- 'IPOD'
- 'IRP'
Will also be displayed on the LCD All modes can be viewed HERE