This e-shop application proposes an interface that allows users to group products inside boxes and purchase the latter. It features an interface that allows users to tailor-make their clothing products.
- Users sign in and sign up
- Product filter
- For clothing products:
- Enter personal measurement
- Select a size and a brand so the clothing will be resized following the brand's measurement for the selected size
- Tutorial about how to use tailor-made features
- CRUD boxes
- CRUD product inside boxes
- Sends order confirmation email
- Support the change of country and currency
- Support multiple languages
- Support payments through Stripe's API
- Responsive design
See features in action on Youtube with TimeCodes:
- Back-end:
- PHP 7.4
- Front-end:
- JavaScript
- JQuery
- Note: Tables in
${\color{red}red}$ are deprecated.