Native libraries used by the StoRM backend to access underlying file system functionality.
- Scientific Linux 6 on x86_64 architecture
Some of the packages needed to build storm-native-libs are in the EPEL repository. To enable it run
yum install epel-release
In order to build the storm native libs you will need the following packages installed:
- autotools
- pkgconfig
- maven
- swig >= 2.0.9
- libacl-devel
- lcmaps-without-gsi-devel
- lcmaps-interface
- java 1.8
- gpfs.base >= 3.3
To build the native part of the library:
Build command:
./configure --with-java_home=${JAVA_HOME} --enable-gpfs
If the stubs interface has changed you will also need the --eneable-regen
Stubs are committed in the repository as on SL the SWIG version is quite old
and does not support smart pointers.
To build the java part (to be built after the native part), just use:
mvn package