Wordlist Generator that uses target's informations.
Its operation is based on generational modules.
This repository is for education purposes only, the use of this code is your responsibility.
I take NO responsibility and/or liability for how you choose to use any of the source code available here.
git clone https://github.com/itzinn/modularis.git
python modularis.py [-h]
Mr. Robot Module
input: word1;word2;word3;word4...
output: word1, word2, word3, word1word2, word1word2word3...
Enter keywords or alpha-numeric sequences separated by ';' : john;mary;freddy...
Generated Words: john, mary, freddy, johnmary, johnfreddy, johnmaryfreddy, maryjohn...
Dates Module
input: year1/year2
output: 0101year1, 0201year1 ... 3112year2
Enter the year range of the dates to be generated: 1980/2015
Generated Words: 01011980, 02011980, ..., 01011987, ..., 31122015
Password format Module
input: word%@^,[123]
output: word0a!1, word0a!2, ..., word9z=3
Enter the password format: pass%%%
Generated Words: pass000, pass001, pass002, ..., pass999
- Informational Module
input: answers to the questions
output: several combinations based on the answers
Incremental Module
input: personal data + words lenght range
output: all possibilites for the charset selected and the lenght range
Enter the length range of the passwords that will be generated: 5/8
Generated Words: aaaaa, aaaab, aaaac, ..., zzzzzzzz