Install the python dependencies listed in requirements.txt
pip -r requirements.txt
In general all python commands assume you PYTHONPATH
includes the
and common/RaisimDynamics
directories as follows:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/NeuralGaits/common:/path/to/NeuralGaits/common/RaiSimDynamics
Run the following command to train a walking policy from scratch using the
nominal model. This command assumes the working directory is
This should create a tensorboard directory corresponding to the experiment
in run_data/tensorboard_output
. Inside that directory there will be
multiple version directories corresponding to each run of the experiment
with the same parameters. For the version you chose, copy the path of the
desired checkpoint in the checkpoints directory. Then run the following
command from the learn_policy
python --ckpt_path /path/to/file.ckpt
This generates a torchscript file from the model trained which can be used to run using the raisim simulator.
All code related to learning the projection of the dynamics error onto the
zero dynamics manifold assumes the current directory is learn_dynamics
. The
projection to the zero dynamics manifold depends on the definition of the
policy. Thus, to learnt he error term run the following command:
python +pretrained_yd=/path/to/learned/policy.ckpt
To refine a policy given a learned zero dynamics model run the following
command from the learn_policy
python +pretrained_model=/path/to/trained/policy/model.ckpt +pretrained_zdyn=/path/to/trained/zero/dynamics/model.ckpt
First, we recommend setting ${INSTALL_DIR}
to be a convenient directory where you would like everything to be installed (via the export command in your bashrc, for example). Then, for all cmake commands below, add
As the RaiSim environment is used for the robot simulation, the first step is to get a license key here (free for academic use). Next, follow the installation instructions, making sure to build with examples (include the cmake argument -DRAISIM_EXAMPLE=ON) and setting -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$LOCAL_INSTALL, replacing
Once installed, check to make sure the included examples run properly. To do this, cd to the raisimOgre/build/examples
directory and try executing one of the examples (make sure to put your activation key in the right place). Then, in the folder where raisimOgre was cloned (the src folder), delete the examples folder, and add a symlink to the NeuralGaits/Sim/raisim folder:
ln -s ${REPO_DIR}/NeuralGaits/Sim/raisim examples
Then, re-run the cmake command for raisimOgre, and re-make. After this step, there should be an executable titled ''amber'' in the raisimOgre/build/exmaples folder.
First, install yaml-cpp, osqp, and osqp-eigen. Go to the amber3m-cpp subdirectory of the folder where the NeuralGaits repo was cloned, and run
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DTorch_DIR=${INSTALL_DIR}/share/cmake/Torch -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="${INSTALL_DIR};${INSTALL_DIR}/share/learn-trajopt-cpp" -Dyaml-cpp_DIR=${INSTALL_DIR}/share/cmake/yaml-cpp
make -j8
To run a simulation, open two terminals. In one terminal, change to the amber3m-cpp build subdirectory, and run:
and in the other, change to the raisimOgre/build/examples directory, and run:
When the Ogre environment loads, click "set to real time" to see the robot execute the trained policy.