Nginx as frontend with panindex as disquise.
Deploy brook on replit. Change Language to "Bash",Choose "Import from GitHub".
Creat a Bash-language project.
Copy these code to Replit's Shell and ←
git clone && mv -b x-ng/* ./ && mv -b x-ng/.[^.]* ./ && rm -rf *~ && rm -rf x-ng
After "Loading Nix environment..." is done, ▶RUN!!!
If you use mobile phone,please set the UA of Browser as "Desktop" or maybe replit can not work.
You need add Secrets(System environment variables) like:
The secrets is private so you don't need to worry about leaking your data.
You can find all clients from: this page
- id:"uuid"
- host:"your replit url"
- port:443
- stream-network:ws
- security:none
- ws-path:/23333
- tls:tls
May the service sleep,you need a web monitor like UptimeRobot to keep it work.