Welcome to the exciting world of Rent a Girlfriend! This project lets you explore a fascinating application built with Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and React. Buckle up for a thrilling ride!
Embark on a thrilling journey through Rent a Girlfriend with our comprehensive full demo video. 🚀
Before diving into the magical world of virtual relationships, make sure you have the following installed on your system:
Install Node.js:
- Download and install Node.js from Node.js (nodejs.org) 🌐.
Install Dependencies:
Open your terminal and run the following commands:
npm install tailwindcss -g npm install npm install express mongoose cors jsonwebtoken bcryptjs -g
Install the Node App/Requirements:
Navigate to the Node.js folder and execute the following commands:
cd Node npm install
MongoDB Setup:
Run the React App:
Go to the React folder and run:
cd react_folder npm install (Do only when it requires) npm start
Ensure that the Node server is also running.
Feel the rush of the code! Dive into the Rent a Girlfriend source code and explore the magic happening behind the scenes. The codebase is organized with care to make your coding journey enjoyable.
Explore the Node.js folder to understand the heart of our application. Run the following commands:
cd Node
node app.js
Delve into the React folder for an immersive front-end experience. Run these commands:
cd react
npm install (Do only when it requires)
npm start
Feel the power of React.js as you witness the user interface come to life!
You're now well-equipped to dive into the Rent a Girlfriend app and indulge in the world of virtual relationships like never before! 🌐✨
The Rent a Girlfriend project is made possible by the fantastic contributions from these awesome individuals:
Feel the energy of our dynamic community and consider joining us to make your mark on the project!
Happy exploring! 🚀🎉