An app to help match odd job seekers and providers based on geographic location
- Jackson Christoffersen
- Brandon Hadler
- Jinxuan Lin
- Sean Gurson
- Node 6.4.x
- Postgresql 9.1.x
From within the root directory:
npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
This repo uses the Airbnb style guide
Using Package Control:
- Install SublimeLinter
- Install SublimeLinter-config-eslint
To set up your environoment correctly on your machine, you need to set up PostgreSQL with a database named 'locallist'.
You will also need to export the following environment variables:
- DB_USERNAME: PSQL user with access to locallist db
- DB_PASSWORD: Password for the aforementioned user
- DATABASE_URL: Production/staging only, replaces DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD
- SESSION_SECRET: Production/staging only, secret sed to encrypt session token
View the project roadmap here
See for contribution guidelines.