Is a card battle mini-game originally from Final Fantasy VIII.
Jared Farkas, Darrion Gering, Kerriann Walker, Mustafa Ghasemi
Special thanks to Ryan Mclean for help on the card assets
Game starts with two players and each player has five cards to play with. There are 32 cards in total. For each game computer chooses 5 random cards for each player. Each card has four numbers on it that can be used to compare with the closest number of a card around the same card and if the number on the card is greater than the other card's number player owns both cards. By end of the game player that has more card wins the game.
- Clone the project from
- Run in browser
- Start a new game
Multiple sudden deaths will break the game.
A player drags a card onto the board / The card's image is appended to the space dragged to
A player clicks a card, then clicks a spot on the board / The card's image is appended to the space clicked
A player places a card adjacent to a card with a lower number than the card's number / The previously placed card is captured by the player
A player places a card adjacent to a card with a higher number than the card's number / Nothing happens
A player places a card adjacent to a card with the same number as the card's number / Nothing happens
A game ends in a tie and sudden death is toggled / Cards are re-dealt to each player based on which were captured. The red player will move first now
- Bootstrap
- Javascript
- Jquery
This software is licensed under the MIT license
Copyright (c) 2019 Jared Farkas, Darrion Gering, Kerriann Walker, Mustafa Ghasemi