A simple python interpreter written in C++ that mimics Python 2.7
- Compile with
org++ -std=c++17 *.cpp
- Run with
./python.exe [-v] <filepath>
is optional, include it to enable verbose mode, mainly for debugging
- print()
- # Comments
- Allows for blank lines
- Assignment statements (variable definitions)
- Implements the following data types: int, float, str, list
- Handles arithmetic expressions and operand TypeErrors
- For-loops and nested for-loops
- If/Elif/Else statements and Relational/Logical operations
- List operations: append(), push(), pop(), len() with TypeError/IndexError handling
- Function definitions/calls/returns/symbol-table scoping
- While loops
- Control flow statements: break, continue, pass
- input()
- Dictionaries
- Classes
- Import statements
- Lambda functions
- List slicing
- List operations: min()/max()/sorted()/sum()
- round()
- pow()
- format()
- open()
Thanks to Dr. Ali Kooshesh for the starter code + help along the way