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✨🤖AudioBook Bay Scraper - Discord Bot🤖✨


This discord bot serves a very niche function: to interactively scrape audiobooks from AudioBook Bay from within discord.

Demo GIF

This bot allows you to:

  1. To serve audiobooks via Plex (entirely optional)
  2. Use Qbitorrent to handle your downloads.
  3. Use Discord for Searching ABB.

🏁 Install

  1. Create a Discord Bot

    • Go to
    • Create a new application (you can name it whatever, but AudiobookRequester is nice.) Feel free to use this icon:
    • Go to OAuth2 > URL Generator page, select bot under Scopes. Then, at minimum, select Embed Links, Use Slash Commands, and Send Messages under Bot Permissions.
    • Click Copy to get the URL and go to that URL.
    • Under Add to Server select your server.
    • Authorize the permissions.
    • Go back to the Discord Developer Portal and go to the Bot page and click Add Bot
    • Turn on Message Content Intent under the heading Privileged Gateway Intents.
    • Save the changes.
    • Then copy the Token. You will need to provide this token in your .env file.
  2. Create a directory of your choice (e.g. ./abb-discord-bot) to hold the docker-compose.yml and .env files:

mkdir ./abb-discord-bot
cd ./abb-discord-bot 
  1. Download docker-compose.yml and example.env with the following commands:
wget -O .env
  1. Populate the .env file with your parameters:

Set the following environment variables:

  • DISCORD_TOKEN: The token from above, when creating your discord bot.
  • DISCORD_CLIENT_ID: Go to Discord Developer Applications to find your bot application's ID.
  • DISCORD_GUILD_ID: The ID of the guild where your bot will live.
  • QBITTORRENT_HOST: qBittorrent host address (e.g., http://localhost:6500).
  • QBITTORRENT_USERNAME: qBittorrent username
  • QBITTORRENT_PASSWORD: qBittorrent password
  • QBITTORRENT_CATEGORY: qBittorrent category. This is an option env variable. Used for organizational purposes.
  • USE_PLEX: TRUE or FALSE (If not true, then you can leave the other plex variables blank)
  • PLEX_HOST: Plex server address (e.g., http://localhost:32400)
  • PLEX_TOKEN: This is your X-Plex-Token. Find out how to get yours here.
  • PLEX_LIBRARY_NUM: This is the library section number. It can be found by going to the following URL: http://[PMS_IP_Address]:32400/library/sections?X-Plex-Token=YourTokenGoesHere. Replace YourTokenGoesHere with your token from above. Note the key="number" of your audiobook library. That number goes here.
  • AUDIOBOOK_BAY_URL: Different regions have different base urls. See which one works for you and enter it here (eg.
  • COMMAND_NAME: Whichever command name you want for the command. Defaults to scrape (accessed by /scrape within discord).

Your .env file should look something like this:

  1. docker compose pull && docker compose up -d

If all was successful, your logs should look something like this:

Demo GIF

  1. Lastly, use the command /scrape. The AudioBook Bay search query is very janky, so provide at least something to the title filter to narrow down your search results.

🙏 Acknowledgements

This project was made possible thanks to the following repositories:

Please visit these repositories and give them a star if you found them helpful.