A basic AngularJS 2 application front-end for The News Website Demo Project.
This project uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- AngularJS - One framework. To Rule Them All...
- TypeScript - A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
- Gulp.JS - The streaming build system to automate and enhance the workflow.
- SystemJS - Universal dynamic module loader - loads ES6 modules in the browser.
- ES6-Shim - ECMAScript 6 compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines.
- RxJS - An API for asynchronous programming with observable streams.
- Typings - The TypeScript Definition Manager.
- TSLint - An extensible linter for the TypeScript language.
- Lite-Server - A lightweight development only node server.
- NPM - Node Package Manager (NPM) is the package manager for JavaScript.
- Node.JS - Node.js is a JavaScript runtime required to run this application.
- Angular2-In-Memory-Web-API - An in-memory web api for demos and tests.
Work in progress.