This is work in progress, may not work at all and documentation may be misleading.
Represent discriminated unions in typescript.
- compile time exhaustive matching, never miss the case
- correct return type inferred (if one case return
and othernumber
result isstring | number
More detailed explanation of types
You can match on union of types having their descriptors.
var unionKind = union(...typeDescriptors);
type Union = typeof unionKind.type // typeDescriptor1 type | typeDescriptor2 type | ...
var value = unionKind.match(value)
.case(typeDescriptor1, _ => /*... what to return ...*/ )
.case(typeDescriptor2, _ => /*... what to return ...*/ )
.default(_ => /* catch all case */)
TypeDescriptor is either any class or instance of TypeMatcher:
interface TypeMatcher<T>{
match(type: any): type is T
Library includes type descriptor for plain objects with type
p. e. for objects
type: 'NAMED',
name: string
you can create descriptor
const namedKind = createTypeDescriptor<{ name: string }, 'NAMED'>('NAMED');
Examples: classes, plain objects.
Currently types are generated for union of max 24 types (this can be increased by UNION_MAX
constant in /src/union.ts.tmpl