An unofficial Scala client for the Coinbase GDAX API.
(This is a work-in-progress, and I will improve docs soon. In the meantime, I
suggest reading through Sample.scala
for a demo on how to use it.)
You will need Scala (naturally) and sbt installed. This has a single dependency, scalaj-http, which should be fetched by sbt. To run do
sbt run
GDAX consists of public and private (or authenticated) APIs.
To obtain the public endpoint methods do
val pubclient = api.Client.public()
To obtain the private endpoint methods you need to use your API credentials. E.g. to get them from the environment you could do
val authclient = api.Client.authenticated(
All the API methods are Future
based and asynchronous. They are generally called in the following manner:
id = "id,
level = "2"
).onComplete {
case Success(resp) => { println(resp) }
case Failure(e) => e.printStackTrace
pubclient.products().onComplete { ... }
pubclient.productTicker(id: String).onComplete { ... }
pubclient.productTrades(id : String).onComplete { ... }
pubclient.productStats(id : String).onComplete { ... }
pubclient.currencies().onComplete { ... }
pubclient.time().onComplete { ... }
authclient.accounts().onComplete { ... }
authclient.account(id: String).onComplete { ... }
authclient.accountHistory(id: String, params: Map[String, String] = null).onComplete { ... }
authclient.accountHolds(id: String).onComplete { ... }
authclient.getOrders(params: Map[String, String] = null).onComplete { ... }
authclient.getOrder(id: String).onComplete { ... }
authclient.placeOrder(json: Map[String, Any]).onComplete { ... }
authclient.cancelOrder(id: String).onComplete { ... }
authclient.deposit(amount: String, coinbaseAccountId: String).onComplete { ... }
authclient.withdraw(amount: String, coinbaseAccountId: String).onComplete { ... }