README v0.0 / 15 APRIL 2019
The project is one of the experiments of the virtual lab (cryptography lab) of IIITH Standard template of the frontend is used and the backend is made using python.
Step1 --> Run the file using command :-
$ python3
Step2 --> Open the browser and open the following link
Step1 --> Run the Experiment. (Testing is to be done on a new terminal)
Testing is done in two steps:-
- Test for all the links to pages Run the file using command
$ python3
- Unit testing for logic part of the Experiment Run the file using command
$ python3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.6
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install Flask
sudo apt-get install sqlite3
pip3 install sqlalchemy
pip3 install -U Flask-SQLAlchemy
pip3 install Markups
pip3 install requests
- Python Flask
- javascript Ajax
This contains all the html pages which form frontend of the experiment. It also containts the javascript and ajax code to generate requests to the app experiment.html page has the experiment page which basically is composed of three forms and the quiz.html page has five questions which are retrieved at the frontend by ajax request to the file Rest all have only plain html which is used to display the content of the respective pages Also the code in index.html is imported to all the html pages
This directory contains all the required css javascript files used to make the frontend of the website
It consists of three databases The first one is for storing the key and plaintext pairs which user enter The second one is for the storing of the 2^8 plaintext for generating the encryption set The third one is for storing the quiz questions
The is the file which contains all the backend of the experiment
It consits of four forms for handling the various buttons on the html page and also one check function which is used to evaluate the answers of the quiz and give you a score
form1 contains 3 buttons form2 contains 1 button form3 contains 1 button form4 contains 2 buttons
All of these have a seperate redirection function so as to generate different request for each button Also there are custom functions in this file and to make viewing what is stored in the database easier All the fuctions and variables have intutive names so that debugging is easier
This file contains the unit test cases for form elements This file contains the unit test cases for links
This file can be run when one wants to generate the 2^8 plaintext database
This file can be run when one wants to generate the quiz database
Jasshan Goel