FYI from @jawz101 - The only thing I've changed is this little blurb I've included here. I didn't make this app. The original repo was at but it no longer exists. I can't even remember how I found it but I wanted to snag a copy of the repo for posterity. For some reason I think it might've resided on the now defunct Microsoft codeplex at one point. The rest of this message was on the readme before I wrote this message.
*@jawz101 again. I just searched through the XDA thread and found the mention of the codeplex page at As you can see, both the Github page and the codeplex page no longer exist. Just trying to offer as much info as I know in case anyone wanted to reach out to the original developer. *
An experimental project for Android, PeerBlock
Previously PeerBlockForAndroid was closed source, which was a bad view for a security program like this As it's open-source currently, you are allowed to modify the source code in any way and form you so desire to do so I will probably not develop this project anymore as I got busy myself with different projects The last working XPosed Framework that worked on this was Lollipop (correct me if I'm wrong it's been 2 years)
All the pull requests that will be made are really appreciated and I will merge them into this project If there are any brave men who are willing to take over maintaining this project, feel free to do so
This will be the main Repo for PeerBlockForAndroid, expect updates from others through pull requests
Original XDA Thread:
Have a good one ;)