Starter example app: Flask (SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL) + Vue.js (Typescript), docker setup for backend and frontend.
Backend is powered by Flask, flask-rest-api, marshmallow and SQLAlchemy to create a solid framework for REST API backend development:
- Application structure
- Routing
- Data validation, serialization and de-serialization
- DB layer with ORM and migrations
- API documentation with apispec and Swagger
- Testing with pytest
Backend setup:
- Flask 1.1
- SQLAlchemy 1.3 and PostgreSQL 14.0
- Marshmallow 3.2 for validation and serialization
- Testing with pytest
- Linting with mypy, flake8 and black
- Code formatting with black
Frontend setup:
- Vue.js 2.6 with vue-cli 4.0
- Typescript 3.4.5
- axios for HTTP requests
- bootstrap-vue for UI
- Testing with jest
- Linting with typescript, eslint and prettier
- Code formatting with prettier
Note: on linux, to fix permissions between host / docker shared containers, it is necessary to export $UID
and $GID
variables, this can be done in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc.
This is becuase UID and GID are shell variables, not env variables.
It allows to have dependencies (python venv and node.js node_modules shared from the container to the host, so we can have IDE completion on the host, or just easily access the dependencies from the editor).
See also: docker/compose#2380.
Backend dependencies are in backend/venv
and frontend dependencies are in the frontend/node_modules
- Rebuild images / reinstall dependencies:
make build
- Run docker compose setup:
make up
- Create the initial DB (once the setup is running):
make recreate-local-db
- Run linters:
make lint
- Run tests:
make test
Reformat sources: make format-code
DB migrations are handled by alembic and Flask-Migrate.
runs migrations in the context of flask application, to use it, run make backend-bash
and then use one of the following commands:
flask db migrate -m "change description"
- generate new migrations from modelsflask db upgrade
- apply migrations to the databaseflask db downgrade
- downgrade the databaseflask db --help
- get help and list of available commands