It’s pretty funny though, this is a simple implementation that port Data Types à la Carte (it would be awfully help if you can read this paper first) from Haskell to JavaScript. It will solve the particular problem in react-most but you can use this technique with any other flux e.g. redux or DSL(expression + interpreter)
yarn add alacarte.js
const Intent = Type({
Inc: [Number],
Dec: [Number],
+ Mult: [Number],
const increasable = connect(intent$ => {
return {
sink$: intent$.map({
Inc: (v) => over(lensCount, x=>x+v),
Dec: (v) => over(lensCount, x=>x-v),
+ Mult: (v) => over(lensCount, x=>x*v),
_: () => identity
actions: {
inc: Intent.Inc,
dec: Intent.Dec,
+ mult: Intent.Mult
const {Add} = Expr.create({ Add: ['fn'] })
const evalAdd = interpreterFor(Add, function (v) {
return x => x + v.fn(x)
const evalVal = interpreterFor(Val, function (v) {
return ()=> v.value
const evalOver = interpreterFor(Over, function (v) {
let newstate = {}
let prop = v.prop()
return state => (newstate[prop] = v.fn(state[prop]), newstate)
- let interpreter = interpreterFrom([evalLit, evalAdd, evalOver])
- let injector = injectorFrom([Val, Add, Over])
- let [val, add, over] = injector.inject()
+ const {Mult} = Expr.create({ Mult: ['fn'] })
+ const evalMult = interpreterFor(Mult, function (v) {
+ return x => x * v.fn(x)
+ });
+ let injector = injectorFrom([Val, Add, Over, Mult])
+ let interpreter = interpreterFrom([evalLit, evalAdd, evalOver, evalMult])
+ let [val, add, over, mult] = injector.inject()
const counterable = connect((intent$) => {
return {
sink$: intent$.filter(isInjectedBy(injector))
inc: v => over(val('count'), add(val(v))),
dec: v => over(val('count'), add(val(-v))),
+ mult: v => over(val('count'), mult(val(v))),
The problem of react-most or any flux is that when a Action is dispatched, something like a reducer
will have to evaluate it and produce something to change state.
Which means, you have to define all your Actions in one place so that any reducer can switch on them. e.g. in react-most there is a big switch, you’ve probably see lot of these in redux as well.
It’s global thing, anyone want to add a new Action will have to change it.
The Expression Problem that Data Types à la Carte try to solve is pretty much the same as our problem if we map the concept of Action
to Expression
, and Reducer
to Interpreter
From Object Algebras to Finally Tagless Interpreters has better explaination of Expression Problem than me
With Data Types à la Carte, we now can define Actions anywhere, anytime, further more, it’ll let us finally get rid of ugly switch case.
note the difference here
with Data Types à la Carte, you reducer will be “Type” safe and declarative. You’ll probably confuse what the hell is isInjectedBy
or injector
, I’ll explain this further but now you should able to see the logic is pretty declarative and straightforward here.
it just filter from all the
where they only the sameType
, then interpret these expressions withinterpreter
let {Add, Over} = Expr.create({
Add: ['fn'],
Over: ['prop', 'fn']
is the name of the expression and ['fn']
means it contains a value named fn
. since over need a function so Add should contains a function.
has value prop
and fn
then, create interpreter for each of them
// Instances of Interpreters
const evalAdd = interpreterFor(Add, function (v) {
return x => x + v.fn(x)
const evalVal = interpreterFor(Val, function (v) {
return ()=> v.value
const evalOver = interpreterFor(Over, function (v) {
let newstate = {}
let prop = v.prop()
return state => (newstate[prop] = v.fn(state[prop]), newstate)
the Val
Type is built in alacarte.js so you don’t need to define the expression type, just simply import {Val} from 'alacarte.js'
and implement it’s interpreter.
compose these interpreters
let interpreter = interpreterFrom([evalLit, evalAdd])
create a injector from these functor types
let injector = injectorFrom([Val, Add, Over])
now inject the injector will generate a list of expression constructor
let [val, add, over] = injector.inject()
after all this, let’s see how easy to add a new expression with modify any of the existing expressions and there interpreter
- a ADT of Mult
// a new mult expr is add without modify any of the current code
let {Mult} = Expr.create({
Mult: ['fn'],
const evalMult = interpreterFor(Mult, function (v) {
return x => x * v.fn(x)
let printMult = interpreterFor(Mult, function (v) {
return `(_ * ${v.fn})`
Nothing has been modify in existing code, a new expression and it’s interpreter just works now.
say we want another interpreter for the expr, like printer
const printAdd = interpreterFor(Add, function (v) {
return `(_ + ${v.fn})`
const printVal = interpreterFor(Val, function (v) {
return v.value.toString()
const printOver = interpreterFor(Over, function (v) {
return `over ${v.prop} do ${v.fn}`
const printMult = interpreterFor(Mult, function (v) {
return `(_ * ${v.fn})`
interpert the expr will print out the expression
will print count + (count * 2)