This is a bug fix release of VPL 3.3.5. The release includes little improvements for some features.
The bugs fixed and features improve are:
- Gradebook. The patch removes ghost empty grades appearing in the gradebook.
- Navigation. The action menu now appears in many of the activity settings.
- Non-editing teacher role. The patch fixes the allowed functionalities for the "non-editing teacher" role. If you are updating VPL from a previous version to 3.3.6, you must edit the definition of the "non-editing teacher" role setting the "Allow" value at the capability "mod/vpl:submit".
- Activity grade report. The grade reports Improves showing also the automatic evaluation.
- Similarity. The patch fixes similarity search in group activities.
- Default evaluation program. The patch removes a compilation warning. The warning is harmless but uglies the evaluation output.
- Java. The default java scripts improve by searching and add the jar files to the CLASSPATH. This makes easy the use of java frameworks packed as jar files.
- PHP. The patch fixes the use of the CLI version of PHP. This allows testing PHP programs for the console.
- Python. The patch fixes the detection and use of the tkinter library.
- Scala. The patch fixes a bug running scala programs.