This is a serverless Docker image CICD application created from AWS SAM template (AWS Cloud Formation), this project consists of AWS serverless services and development codes that will be used in the image CICD pipeline, for instance: CodePipeline, CodeBuild project, Lambda Functions, etc.
- Prerequisites
- Building
- Deploying
- Update Image
- Rollback Image
- Elaboration
- Concurrent Executions
- Modifying Pipeline
- Usage
- Author
- Install AWS CLI : installation guide
- AWS CLI : installation guide
- AWS Account Credentials : How to guide
- Build the sam application.
$ sam build
- When you see Build Succeeded from the last step, deploy the sam application to AWS cloud.
$ sam deploy
Deploy this changeset? [y/N]: y
- As long as all resources are created, you will see the following output.
Successfully created/updated stack
- Use the shell script in the target image repository to push a new version of image to DEV ECR repo.
$ ./
- After pushing the image to AWS ECR, you can start monitoring the Image CICD process on AWS CodePipeline console.
- Use shell script in the scripts folder to rollback versions in ECR repos.
$ ./
- Select the ECR environment you want to rollback by entering option number.
Please select the ECR environment you want to rollback by entering option number:
1) ecr-dev
2) ecr-test
3) ecr-prod
- Select the ECR image you want to rollback by entering option number.
Please select the ECR image you want to rollback by entering option number:
1) repo-1
2) repo-2
3) repo-3
Chosen ECR environment: dev
Chosen ECR image: repo-1
Confirm rollback in ecr-dev/repo-1? (y/n): y
- After confirming rollback, you can see the output and results from the rollback lambda function.
Rollback from v0.15 to v0.14
Rollback completed
[Source Stage]
- The Image CICD pipeline will be automatically triggered by an EventBridge Rule if the LATEST version image in any of the following ECR repos has been updated.
- ecr-dev/repo-1
- ecr-dev/repo-2
- ecr-dev/repo-3
- ecr-dev/repo-4
[Test Stage]
- Whenever the Test stage receives a new update from the Source stage, it sends a notification via SNS and waits for manual approval to proceed.
- After receiving approval from the user, the Test stage begins building and pushing the updated image in DEV repo to TEST repo.
- Following the success of image pushing, the Test stage invokes the test statemachine for testing the updated image in the Test repo.
[Production Stage]
- After successfully proceeding with all of the above tasks and tests, the Production stage sends a notification via SNS and waits for manual approval to deploy.
- After receiving approval from the user, the Production stage begins building and pushing the updated image from Test repo to Production repo.
Create new repos for dev, test and prod on AWS ECR respectively. nomenclature:
ecr-prod/rnew-repo -
Find the EcrEventRule in template.yaml file, which defines the ECR repos that EventBridge Rule monitors.
# EcrEventRule (Partial)
Type: AWS::Events::Rule
Description: Event rule to automatically start image-cicd-pipeline when new changes occur in ECRs.
EventBusName: default
- aws.ecr
- latest
- ecr-dev/repo-1
- At the repository-name section, add new ECR DEV repo names.
# EcrEventRule (Partial)
- ecr-dev/repo-1
- ecr-dev/new-repo
- Add new image options to shell script in the scripts folder.
# (Partial)
# Define the ECR repo options
options=("repo" "new-repo")
# (Partial)
# Prompt the user to select an ECR image
select image in "${options_image[@]}"; do
case $image in
echo "Invalid option"
- Build and deploy the sam application again.
$ sam build
$ sam deploy
Deploy this changeset? [y/N]: y
Successfully updated stack
- This CICD application is designed to be updated and deployed from AWS CloudFormation template, please avoid modifying the application from AWS Management Console or AWS CLI.
- If necessary, after modifying from CodePipeline Console, you will encounter below confirmation:
Source action changed
We will update the following resources to detect changes for your updated pipeline.
Add | Pipeline image-cicd-pipeline as a target to Amazon CloudWatch Events rule
- Please check the checkbox and ensure No resource updates needed for this source action change to avoid AWS automatically overrides the settings of EventBridge Rule.
V | No resource updates needed for this source action change
The buildspec.yml file specifies respective building commands in different stage to build and push images.
version: 0.2
shell: bash
# Pushing ECR image to TEST/PROD repo
# ECR image Update strategy:
# 1. Get the last numerical version number before LATEST
# 2. Retag numerical version number to current LATEST
# 3. Push the new image to ECR (ECR auto update LATEST tag)
# Get current pipeline execution id from cli
- exec_id=`aws codepipeline list-pipeline-executions --pipeline-name ${CODEPIPELINE_NAME}| jq -r '.pipelineExecutionSummaries[] | select(.status == "InProgress").pipelineExecutionId' | tail -n 1`
- echo "current execution id is ${exec_id}"
# Get ECR repo name from DynamoDB
- ecr_repo=`aws dynamodb get-item --table-name ${DYNAMODB_TABLE_NAME} --key '{"execution_id":{"S":"'${exec_id}'"}}' --query Item.ecr_repo.S --output text`
- echo "ecr repo is ${ecr_repo}"
- image_name=${ecr_repo#*/}
# Login to aws ECR
- echo "logging in to AWS ECR"
- aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
- echo "done ..."
# 1. Get the last numerical version number before LATEST
- LAST_VERSION=`aws ecr describe-images --repository-name "ecr-${IMAGE_DES}/${image_name}" --region us-east-1 --query 'imageDetails[].[imageTags[]]' --output text | sort -V | tail -n 2`
- LAST_VERSION=$(echo "$LAST_VERSION" | awk 'NR==1')
- |
if [[ $LAST_VERSION =~ [[:space:]] ]]; then
# 3. Push the new image to ECR (ECR auto update LATEST tag)
echo "LAST_VERSION:0.1"
docker pull${IMAGE_SRC}/${image_name}
docker tag${IMAGE_SRC}/${image_name}${IMAGE_DES}/${image_name}
docker push${IMAGE_DES}/${image_name}
# 2. Retag numerical version number to current LATEST
echo "retagging latest image on ECR"
MANIFEST=$(aws ecr batch-get-image --region us-east-1 --repository-name "ecr-${IMAGE_DES}/${image_name}" --image-ids imageTag=latest --output text --query images[].imageManifest)
aws ecr put-image --region us-east-1 --repository-name "ecr-${IMAGE_DES}/${image_name}" --image-tag ${LAST_VERSION} --image-manifest "$MANIFEST"
echo "done ..."
# 3. Push the new image to ECR (ECR auto update LATEST tag)
docker pull${IMAGE_SRC}/${image_name}
docker tag${IMAGE_SRC}/${image_name}${IMAGE_DES}/${image_name}
docker push${IMAGE_DES}/${image_name}
- Jeffrey Wang ([email protected])