Kiwix is an offline reader for Web content. One of its main purposes is to make Wikipedia available offline. This is done by reading the content of a file in the ZIM format, a highly compressed open format with additional metadata. This is the version for Android.
Kiwix Android is written in Kotlin (with a few old pieces in Java).
Production releases of the app are built on travis and released automatically
To build this repository alone for development purposes you can simply
import the project into Android Studio and the hard work will be done
for you. Note here that instead of opening the project, you have to import it. If you prefer to build without Android Studio you must first
set up the Android SDK and then run the command: ./gradlew build
from the root directory of the project.
Kiwix-Android is a multi-module project, in 99% of scenarios you will want to build the app
module in the debug
If you are interested in our custom apps they have their own repo kiwix-android-custom that goes into further detail
- Dagger 2 - A fast dependency injector for Android and Java
- Retrofit - Retrofit turns your REST API into a Java interface
- OkHttp - An HTTP+SPDY client for Android and Java applications
- Butterknife - View "injection" library for Android
- Mockito - Most popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java
- RxJava - Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.
- ObjectBox - Reactive NoSQL Databse
- MockK - Kotlin mocking library that allows mocking of final classes by default.
- JUnit5 - The next generation of JUnit
- AssertJ - Fluent assertions for test code
- Fetch - A customizable file download manager library for Android
Before contributing be sure to check out the CONTRIBUTION guidelines.
We currently have a series of automated Unit and Integration tests. These can be run locally and are also run when submitting a pull request.
For contributions please read the CODESTYLE carefully. Pull requests that do not match the style will be rejected.
For writing commit messages please read the COMMITSTYLE carefully. Kindly adhere to the guidelines. Pull requests not matching the style will be rejected.
Available communication channels:
- Web Public Chat channel
- Mailing list
- Slack: #android channel Get an invite
- IRC: #kiwix on
For more information, please refer to