INWX offers a complete XML-RPC API covering most of their sites features. The DomRobot API allows you to manage accounts, domains, name servers and much more directly from your application. Considering the way their API is built, this package merely acts as a cookie storage and an XML encoder/decoder proxy.
Install from
def deps do
[{:inwx_domrobot, "~> 0.1.0"}]
# Start a new connection
iex(1)> {:ok, conn} = InwxDomrobot.start_link
{:ok, PID<0.213.0>}
# Send an "account.login" request to the connection
iex(2)> InwxDomrobot.login conn, "username", "password"
{:ok, 1000}
# Send arbitrary commands to the connection
iex(3)> InwxDomrobot.query conn, ""
{:ok, %{param: %{"code" => 1000,
iex(4)> InwxDomrobot.query conn, "account.update", [%{ firstname: "Sven" }]
{:ok, %{param: %{"code" => 1001,
# Send an "account.logout" request to the connection
iex(5)> InwxDomrobot.logout conn
%{param: %{"code" => 1500,
"msg" => "Command completed successfully; ending session",
"runtime" => 0.0264, "svTRID" => "..."}}}