Releases: jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler
Releases Β· jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler
version 16.3.0
What's new:
- Allowed copy/cut tags to clipboard across multiple SWFs
- Keyboard shortcuts for tag clipboard operations
- Hilight clipboard panel on copy/cut action for a few seconds
- Drag and drop to move/copy tags in the tag list view (Can be disabled in settings)
- Setting for enabling placing Define tags into DefineSprite
- Icons for tags in replace character dialog
- Move tag with dependencies
- Copy/Move tag operation has select position dialog
- Select position dialog has target file in its title
- #1649 Moving SWF files (and bundles) up and down (comtext menuitem + ALT up/down shortcut)
- Moving tags up and down in the taglist view (context menuitem + ALT up/down shortcut)
- #1701 Setting charset for SWF files with version 5 or lower (GUI, commandline)
- #1864 Commandline: Allow to set special value "/dev/stdin" for input files to read from stdin (even on Windows)
- Show button records in the tree, preview them
- Alpha and Erase blend modes support
- Raw editor - Edit blend modes as enum
- Search in the advanced settings
- Exception when bundle selected
- File path in window title for SWFs inside DefineBinaryData
- #1863 Export to PDF - cannot read fonts with long CMAP
- Go to document class when switched to tag list view
- Copy/Move with dependencies order of tags
- #1865 ConcurrentModificationException on SWF close
- NullPointerException on expanding needed/dependent characters on basic tag info
- Copy/Move with dependencies should copy mapped tags too
- Recalculating dependencies in the loop (now only on change)
- Dependencies handling
- Raw editing of DefineFontInfo/DefineFont2-3, KERNINGRECORD - proper switching wide codes
- Storing SWF configuration for files inside bundles and/or binarydata
- #1846 blend modes with alpha
- Raw editor does not select item in enum list
- Sound not played on frames
- #1678 Miter clip join - can be enabled in Settings
- Html label links visibility
- Full path inside bundle is displayed as SWF name instead simple name
version 16.2.0
What's new:
- #1414 Cancelling in-progress exportation
- #1755 Copy tags to tag clipboard and paste them elsewhere
- #1460 Bulk importing images
- Bulk importing scripts/text/images added to SWF context menu
- #1465 Configuration option to disable SWF preview autoplay
- Setting for disabling expanding first level of tree nodes on SWF load
- FLA export printing xxx string on exporting character with id 320
- Copy to with dependencies does not refresh timeline
- Copy to with dependencies does not set the timelined, that can result to missing dependencies (red tags in the tree)
- Double warning/error when copy to / move to and same character id already exists
- #1862, #1735 Exporting selection to subfolders by SWFname when multiple SWFs selected
- Java code export indentation
- Java code does not export tags
- On new SWF loading, do not expand all other SWFs nodes, only this one
version 16.1.0
What's new:
- #1459, #1832, #1849 AS1/2 direct editation - Error dialog when saved value (UI16, SI16, ...) exceeds its limit and this code cannot be saved.
- Attach tag menu (Like DefineScaling grid to DefineSprite, etc.)
- Better tag error handling - these tags now got error icon
- Show in Hex dump command from other views for tags
- Show in Taglist command from dump view for tags
- Create new empty SWF file
- Checking missing needed character tags and their proper position (Marking them as red - with tooltip)
- #1432 Save as EXE from commandline
- #1232 Needed/dependent characters list in basic tag info can be expanded to show tag names
- Flash viewer - subtract blend mode
- #1712, #1857, #1455 JPEG images errors fixer
- Ignore missing font on DefineEditText
- GFX: Drawing missing DefineExternalImage/2, DefineSubImage as red instead of throwing exception
- GFX: DefineExternalImage2 properly saving characterId
- Hex view refreshing after selecting Unknown tag
- #1818, #1727, #1666 GFX: Importing XML
- GFX: Correct refreshing image when raw editing DefineExternalImage/2, DefineSubImage
- GFX: DefineExternalImage/2, DefineSubImage disallow not working replace button in favor of raw editing
- #1795 AS3 P-code - optional (default parameter values) saving
- #1785 AS1/2 try..catch block in
- #1770 Links in basictag info (like needed/dependent characters) were barely visible on most themes
- Show in Resource command from Hex dump not working for tags inside DefineSprite
- File did not appear modified when only header was modified
- Copy / Move to tag tree refreshing
- Preview of PlaceObject and ShowFrame in the Dump view
- FileAttributes tag exception in the Dump view
- Adding new frames did not set correct timelined to ShowFrame
- Computing dependent characters inside DefineSprite
- #1455 All tag types are now allowed inside DefineSprite
- Auto fixing character tags order based on dependencies during saving
version 16.0.4
What's new:
- #1860 FLA export - EmptyStackException during exporting MorphShape
- #1782 FLA export - exporting from SWF files inside bundles (like binarysearch)
- Expand correct tree on SWF load
- #1679 FLA export - MorphShapes (shape tween)
- #1860, #1732, #1837 FLA export - AS3 - missing framescripts on the timeline
- Flash viewer - dropshadow filter hideobject(compositeSource) parameter
version 16.0.3
What's new:
- #1817 PDF export - now storing JPEG images without recompression to PNG
- #1816 PDF export - leaking temporary files when frame has embedded texts
- PDF export - reusing images when used as pattern vs standalone
- #1859 AS3 P-code editing not working due to integer/long casting
version 16.0.2
What's new:
- Copy/move tag to for SWFs inside bundles and/or DefineBinaryData
- Replace button under shape and DefineSound display (previously, only context menu allowed that)
- SWF Add tag before/after menuitem
- Context menu on bundles (ZIP, SWC, binarysearch, etc...)
- Reloading SWF inside DefineBinaryData
- Working with byte ranges - caused problems when cloning tags
- All "mapped" tags have character id in parenthesis in the tag tree
- Raw editor now checks whether field value can be placed inside this kind of tag
- Refreshing parent tags and/or timelines on raw editor save
- Items could not be edited on taglist view (for example raw edit)
- Do not show export name (class) in DoInitAction in Tag list view instead of tag name
version 16.0.1
What's new:
- Allow add tag after header context menu
- DefineScalingGrid has icon
- Adding tag "inside" allows setting character id to original when possible
- Do not show option to Show in taglist on resource view folders
- Disallow add tag before header context menu
- Context menu on tags mapped to other characters like DefineScalingGrid
- Add tag before/after for frame selection position
- Add tag (before/after/inside) refactored to more meaningful menus
- Add tag renamed to Add tag inside
- Clone tag menuitem renamed to just Clone as it clones both tags and frames
version 16.0.0
What's new:
- Replace characters references
- Replace commandline action allows to load replacements list from a textfile
- SymbolClass export from commandline
- data-characterId and data-characterName tags to SVG export
- #1731 Image viewer zoom support
- Cloning of tags and frames
- Changing tag position
- Tag list view
- Inserting new tags before and after selection
- #1825, #1737 Adding new frames
- Context menu icons
- Icon of tag in raw editor
- #1845 Show warning on opening file in Read only mode (binary search, unknown extensions, etc.)
- #1845 Show error message on saving in Read only mode, "Save As" must be used
- #1834 PlaceObject4 tags appear as Unresolved inside of DefineSprite
- #1839 Sprite frames exported incorrectly and repeating
- #1838 AS3 - Properly handling of long unsigned values, hex values, default uint values etc.
- #1847 Shape viewer and PDF exporter - correct drawing of pure vertical/horizontal shapes (zero width/height)
- Slow zooming/redrawing on action when SWF has low framerate
- Correct debug info label position/content on the top of flash viewer to avoid unwanted initial scroll
- #1829 Adding extra pixel to the width and height when rendering items (for example to AVI)
- #1828 Zero scale layer matrices support
- #1828 Incorrect stroke scaling (normal/none/vertical/horizontal)
- #1771 DefineShape4 line filled using single color
- Minimum stroke width should be 1 px
- #1828 Closing path in shape strokes from last moveTo only
- Shape not clipped when clip area ouside of view
- Sound tag player now uses less memory / threads - does not use Clip sound class
- Freetransform tool dragging not always started on mousedown
- #1695 Freetransform tool vs zooming
- #1752 Freetransform tool on sprites with offset
- #1711 DefineFont2-3 advance values need to be handled as unsigned (UI16)
- Leading of the font can be set to negative value
- Reset configuration button in advanced settings not working
- AS3 integer values are internally (e.g. in the lib) handled as java int type instead of long.
version 15.1.1
What's new:
- Support for loading external images in DefineExternalImage2, DefineSubImage
- Updated pt_BR translation
- XML import/export uses less memory
- Auto downloading playerglobal.swf in the installer
- No longer working link to adobe dev downloads changed to its web-archived version
version 15.1.0
What's new:
- Display object depth in flash panel
- Show imported files on script import, able to cancel import
- #270 AS3 show progress on deofuscating p-code
- #1718 Show progress on injecting debug info / SWD generation (before Debugging)
- #1801 - Flex SDK links to Apache Flex
- #1761 AS3 - try..finally inside another structure like if
- #1762 AS call on integer numbers parenthesis
- #1762 AS3 - Auto adding returnvoid/return undefined
- #1762 AS - switch detection (mostcommon pathpart)
- #1763 AS3 - initialization of activation object in some cases
- AS3 - direct editation - arguments object on method with activation
- AS3 - direct editation - bit not
- AS3 - direct editation - call on local register
- AS3 - direct editation - resolve properties and local regs before types
- AS3 - direct editation - call on index
- Incorrect position in Flash Player preview and SWF export
- AS1/2 actioncontainers (like try) inside ifs
- AS1/2 switch detection
- #1766 AS3 - direct editation - namespaces on global level without leading colon
- #1763 AS3 - function with activation - param assignment is not a declaration
- AS3 - insert debug instruction to mark register names even with activation
- AS3 - debugging in inner functions
- AS1/2 - debugger - rewinding playback to apply breakpoints
- #1773 - Auto set flagWideCodes on FontInfo wide character adding
- #1769 - Do not mark getter+setter as colliding (#xxx suffix)
- #1801 - Flex SDK not required on commandline when Flex compilation is disabled
- Multiname - performance issues