Releases: jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler
Releases · jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler
version 14.1.0
What's new:
- #1561 Font editing - import ascent, descent, leading, kerning
- Font editing - font name, ascent, descent, leading
- PlaceObject tags matrix editation - FreeTransform tool (move, resize, rotate, shear)
- #1623 Right side marker (gray line) in P-code
- #1622 Slow scrolling (search results, advanced settings and others)
- #1626 AS3 decompilation - unpopped obfuscated function
- #1624 Saving last searches saves only first results
- #1627 Previously decompiled scripts not cached
- SWF is not garbage collected on close in some situations
- AS1/2 script search does not show all results
- #1633 AS3 decompilation - return in clause
- AS3 p-code/AS hilighting when outside trait
- AS3 p-code/AS hilighting after p-code save
- Decompilation - Goto handling
- Not selecting proper script after restoring session
- #1603 empty script after search selection
- Generic tag tree exception on save
- Copying to clipboard does not support transparency
- #1634 AS3 slot/const editor loses focus on edit button press
- #1636 Exception after search - traitslist with not properly set abc, other ui exception
- Flash viewer- cyclic DefineSprite usage
- #1570 Incorrect shape rendering when edge is reversed
- #1643 Separate AS1/2 and AS3 editor hilighting
- AS3 direct editation - slot/const default values
- #1328 AS1/2/3 direct editation - empty commands (just semicolon)
- #1310 AS1/2/3 direct editation - modulo operator precedence
- AS3 - escaping star import
- #1298 AS1 colon syntax handling
- #1298 AS1 direct editation of add,eq,ne and such operations
- #1260 AS1/2 direct editation - is/as/:: are not reserved operators
- Goto declaration - exception when exists QName with 0 namespace index
- #1179 FLA Export - button sounds
- FLA export - sound effects - fade in / out / left to right / right to left
- #1631 ActiveX Flash component download in windows installer
- Spaces around ternar operators, parenthesis on ternar inside ternat
version 14.0.1
What's new:
- AS3 goto definition on imports
- #1336 AS3 direct editation - Regexp / character escaping
- #1615 Turning off Checking for modifications disables SWF loading
- #1100, #1123, #1516 AS1/2/3 direct editation - comma operator
- #1618 Export to PDF selectable text escaping and text size
- #1101 AS3 direct editation - handling imported vars
- #1169 AS1/2 direct editation - getmember after new operator
- #1338, #1480 AS3 direct editation - Vector in combination with activation
- AS3 decompilation - do not show setslot on activation when has same name as method parameter
- #1450 AS3 direct editation - handling types from same package
- AS3 goto definition for types in another ABC tag
- AS3 goto definition for obfuscated names
- AS3 direct editation - compilation of top level classes
- #1494 AS1/2 Direct editation - GetURL not properly saved caused by case
- AS1/2 Direct editation - functions case sensitivity
- #1616 Close SWF menuitem is last in the context menu
- #1620 Search results - Using list component instead of tree when searching in single SWF
version 14.0.0
What's new:
- #1202 Check for modifications outside FFDec and ask user to reload
- #1155, #1602 AS3 remove trait button
- #1260, #1438 AS1/2 direct editing on(xxx), onClipEvent(xxx) handlers
- #1366, #1409, #1429, #1573, #1598 AS1/2/3 Add script/class (context menu on scripts folder)
- Removing whole AS1/2 script folders (frame, DefineSprite, packages)
- Removing AS3 scripts and whole packages
- Japanese translation
- #428, #583, #1373 Exporting PDFs with selectable text
- Goto address dialog in Hex view (Ctrl+G or via context menu)
- AS3 P-code editation checking all referenced labels exist
- #1595 History of script search results per SWF
- Ignore case and RegExp options displayed on search results dialog
- #1611 Warning about initializers has do not show again checkbox
- Scoped script text search and search across multiple SWFs
- #1601 Option to hide AS3 docs panel and traitslist/constants panel
- #1298 AS1/2 properly decompiled setProperty/getProperty
- AS1/2 Direct editation mark line on error
- Collapsing tag tree on SWF reload
- #1339 AS1/2 direct editation - targetPath as an expression
- #1467 AS1/2 direct editation - allow new Number call
- #1489 AS1/2 direct editation - reversed negations
- #1489 AS1/2 direct editation - for in loop
- #1490, #1493 AS1/2 direct editation - cast op
- AS1/2 cast op decompilation
- Only last DoInitAction tag displayed
- #1606 Run/Debug SWF that is embedded (has no file associated)
- #1270, #1336 AS3 direct editation - unnecessary coerce in setproperty
- AS3 direct editation - unary minus (negate) compiled as 0 - value
- AS3 direct editation - using finally clause for continue and break
- AS3 direct editation - popscope in catch on continue and break
- #1159, #1608 Regexp syntax hilight when not a regexp (only division) again
- Graphviz Graph not showing AS3 exception end
- #1609 First frame missing in frame to PDF export
- AS3 with statement decompilation
- #1610 AS3 unnecessary adding namespaces
- #1610 AS3 P-code editation - true/false/undefined/null has value_index same as value_kind
- Ribbon stealing focus when pressing Alt (for example in editors)
- Focused byte barely visible in hex view
- AS3 P-code editation - only first try offset was saved when multiple try with same label
- AS3 decompilation: try..catch..finally suborder when debugline info not present
- AS3 decompilation: increment/decrement on properties
- AS1/2 Goto search result not properly selecting line (delay)
- ActiveX exceptions when FlashPlayer disabled in classic GUI
- #1569 AS3 direct editation - incorrect slot names handling (IndexOutOfBounds)
- #1153, #1347, #1400, #1552, #1553 Images export for some nonstandard JPEGs
- #1565, #1407, #1350 On BinaryData SWF save, parent SWF is saved
- Mouseover / focused bytes in hexview displayed with border
instead of background color change to improve readability
- #692 Search results dialog Goto button does not close dialog
version 13.0.3
What's new:
- #1594 Option to disable AS3 P-code indentation, label on separate line
- #1594 Option to use old style of getlocalx, setlocalx with underscore in AS3 P-code
- #1597 Option to use old style lookupswitch in AS3 P-code
- #1114 Script search results dialogs closing on swf close
- #1159 Regexp syntax hilight when not a regexp (only division)
- #1227 AS3 avoid recursion (stackoverflow) caused by newfunction instruction
- #1360 Precedence of increment/decrement operations
- #1407 NullPointer on Save as in BinaryData SWF subtree
- #1596 Infinite loop when sorting traits according to dependencies
- Cannot properly cancel script searching
version 13.0.2
What's new:
- AS3 pcode - Use Undefined as default keyword for value kind
- AS1/2 script export to single file maintains script order
- #1088 ECMA Number to string conversion
- AS3 getslot/setslot in certain situations
- #1185 AS3 Incorrect imports in obfuscated files
- #1186 Missing import when item is fully qualified
- #1188 AS3 reorder traits if one slot/const references another
version 13.0.1
What's new:
- AS3 break loop in catch clause
- AS3 inner functions scope (setslot/getslot)
- AS3 p-code traits of bodys of inner methods
- AS3 getslot/setslot, getglobalscope instruction
version 13.0.0
What's new:
- Graphviz graphs colorized
- AS3: Show try graph heads in Graphviz distinguished
- #341, #1379 AS3: Support for scripts not using kill instruction
- AS3 method trait p-code indentation, (optional) instruction name padding
- AS3 editation of method body traits (slot/const only)
- Using new FFDec icon on Mac
- AS3: get/set slot for global scope
- AS3: Incorrect handling of strict equals operator in if vs switch resulting in §§pop
- Better goto detection/for continue
- Support for comma operator in switch case statements
- Losing script tree focus on script selection (disallowed walking tree with keyboard up/down)
- Proper window screen centering
- Graph dialog proper window size
- Graph dialog scroll speed increased
- AS3: return in finally
- AS3 docs not correctly displayed under p-code when metadata present
- Improper initialization of ActiveX component when Flash not available causing FFDec not start
- #1206 Switch with multiple default clauses
- ASC2 §§push of function calls before returning from a method
- Support for ASC2 and swftools try..catch..finally block
- Dot parent operator not detected in some cases
- Namespaces handling
- Incorrectly colliding class names detection on script private classes
- AS3 deobfuscator of registers parsing of exception targets
- AS3 code with exception start/end not matching instruction boundary
- AS3 deobfuscator in some cases
- #349 AS3 - better handling of declarations
- #735 AS3 - index out of bounds in deobfuscator
- AS3 deobfuscator on &&, || operators
- Merged continues in try..catch
- AS3 method display in GUI when method name is null
- #1195 this keyword in functions outside class
- AS3 p-code parser adding ;trait comment to last instruction
- AS3 test methods separated to classes
- AS3 p-code more RAbcDasm like (WARNING: Older versions cannot read new code!):
- parenthesis after True/False/Undefined/Null trait kinds
- end after try
- commas in parameters list
- lookupswitch caseoffsets in brackets
- get/setlocal_x renamed to get/setlocalx
- QName casing changed from Qname
- Void keyword instead of Undefined for optional parameters and slot/const values
- Not displaying slot/const value when Void
- Code structure detection in Graphviz graphs as it was usually wrong
version 12.0.1
What's new:
- Critical fix - application GUI did not start on OSes without flashplayer (Linux, MacOS, even Windows)
version 12.0.0
What's new:
- Java 9+ support
- Chinese translation updated
- Enable bulk replace for single typed tags
- Option to use logging configuration file (ffdec home /
- Due to Java9+ limited support of reflection, following features were removed:
- Automatic detection of installed fonts changes (on font editation) - FFDec needs to be restarted to font changes to take effect
- Using kerning pairs of installed fonts
- Support for installing java in FFDec windows installer
- Making internal flash viewer a default viewer + move FP option switch to Advanced settings / others
- Increased scrolling speed in folder preview
- Changed /bin/bash to /usr/bin/env bash
- Building does not require Naashorn - uses Beanshell instead
- Use object.§§slot[index] syntax instead of /* UnknownSlot */ comment when slot cannot be determined (AS3)
- Show §§findproperty when neccessary (AS3)
- Scaling - Distorted images/canvas on Hi-dpi monitors for Java 9 and later
- Radial gradients focal point reading/writing
- Correct AS/P-code matching in editor for AS3 after using deobfuscation
- Correct line matching in debugger of AS3 after using deobfuscation
- Concurrent access while in debugger
- Correct body index for script initializer in P-code debugging
- #1550 TTF export - correctly handle duplicate unicode codes
- #1548 correctly handle empty generated file names
- #1379 AS3 - better handling local registers postincrement/decrement
- Better unresolved if handling
- Escaping in P-code Graphviz exporter (Problems with graphs containing backslash strings)
version 11.3.0
What's new:
- Possibility to open SWF files using open on Mac
- Updated turkish translation
- #1500 Maximum SWF version constant increased, which is used by the memory search and also in the header editor
- #1457 AS3 switch without lookupswitch ins detection
- #1457 pushing on stack before exit item (return/throw)
- #1503 NullPointer Exception on commandline FLA export
- AS3 direct editation - invalid generation of lookupswitch
- AS3 direct editation - fix access to protected members with super
- #1529 commandline selection of tag ids now applies to sprites and buttons
- #1378 Transparent background on PNG/GIF sprite export
- SWF background on shape BMP export