This repository contains sets of pipelines for various population genomic analyses of a diploid, dioecious plant with a reference assembly:
- Alignment and bam processing - Preprocess FASTQ's, run BWAmem, process bams with sambamba, picard to GATK
- SNP calling and filtering - Call SNPs with freebayes and filter
- PLINK pipelines and related analyses - Running PLINK, treemix, faststructure, & beagle
- Getting basic summary stats (Dxy, Fst, Pi, ABBA-BABA) - Use genomicsgeneral scripts from Simon Martin
- Estimating recombination rates - Use LDhat and Hapcut to estimate Rho
- Detecting selective sweeps - selscan, H12, & sweepscan2
- Investigating introgression - Run hapmix on phased samples
- Investigating copy number - Custom R scripts for plotting coverage per individual and by region to investigate copy number heterogeneity
- De novo assembly - Using spades