- SOMtoday REST API docs
- Discord
- Table of contents
- Some miscellaneous stuff
- SOMtoday metadata
- Authentication / authorization
- Fetching information
- Current student(s):
GET /rest/v1/leerlingen
- Student by ID:
GET /rest/v1/leerlingen/[id]
- Grades:
GET /rest/v1/resultaten/huidigVoorLeerling/[id]
- Schedule:
GET /rest/v1/afspraken
- Absence Reports:
GET /rest/v1/absentiemeldingen
- Study Guides:
GET /rest/v1/studiewijzers
- Subjects:
GET /rest/v1/vakken
- User Account:
GET /rest/v1/account
- School Years:
GET /rest/v1/schooljaren
- Current student(s):
Endpoint for authentication: https://somtoday.nl
Endpoint for the API is returned when you fetch the access token
Always include the header "Accept" with the value of "application/json" so you won't get XML. (except if you want XML :-) ) (the authentication stuff always returns JSON)
you can do sample requests using curl, for example:
curl http://example.com/user/blah?active=true&limit=3 -d "key=value&otherkey=value" -H "AHeader: Value"
which will be listed here as
Name | Type | Value |
id | URL | blah |
active | Query | true |
limit | Query | 3 |
key | Body | value |
otherkey | Body | value |
AHeader | Header | Value |
When there is a value that is unique to you (like username, password, or token), it will have a value like [username]
I don't recommend using curl in your programming language, except for PHP but even there it's a pain. There are much better libraries.
A list of libraries for your language
JavaScript: [window.fetch](https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2015/03/introduction-to-fetch)NodeJS: node-fetch, HTTP from stdlib, Request, Axios
Go: net/http
Python: requests
Please add more if you know more.
Returns an array of schools
"instellingen": [
"uuid": "099ce144-c400-4468-95d4-ad36f9f5cb5c",
"naam": "Etty Hillesum Lyceum",
"plaats": "DEVENTER"
"uuid": "ee8c456e-a227-4b7f-bb33-8601147d3264",
"naam": "Scholengemeenschap Marianum",
"plaats": "GROENLO"
"uuid": "dda02c4c-82e5-42a7-a80d-bba133fd0430",
"naam": "R.-K. Sg. Canisius",
"plaats": "ALMELO"
baseurl: https://somtoday.nl
All routes here are prefixed with that baseurl.
Name | Type | Value |
grant_type | Body | password |
username | Body | [school uuid]\[username] |
password | Body | [password] |
scope | Body | openid |
client_id | Body | D50E0C06-32D1-4B41-A137-A9A850C892C2 |
Note: Since April 1st of 2021, SOMToday started using a different OAuth2 implementation in their app (SSO). The requests used to contain a client_secret
, along with the client_id
, currently, only the client_id
is needed. The documentation has been adapted accordingly. Thanks to everyone on Discord for giving me a heads up about this problem, and special thanks to @jktechs for figuring out that omitting the client_secret
makes it work again.
"access_token": "<REDACTED>",
"refresh_token": "<REDACTED>",
"somtoday_api_url": "https://bonhoeffer-api.somtoday.nl",
"scope": "openid",
"somtoday_tenant": "bonhoeffer",
"id_token": "<REDACTED>",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600
The somtoday_api_url
is used for all non-authentication requests, like for getting grades.
token_type, scope and (probably) expires_in are always the same, the other values change depending on the user, and school (the tokens are of course randomly generated).
school_uuid='4213a402-b898-4d16-9ebb-8c5f02b57474' username='[email protected]' password='MYSECRETPASSWORD123'
curl "https://somtoday.nl/oauth2/token" -d "grant_type=password&username=$school_uuid\\$username&password=$password&scope=openid&client_id=D50E0C06-32D1-4B41-A137-A9A850C892C2"
Note: We use \\
here, because \
is normally used to escape things like quotes (e.g. \"
) (and only bash double quote strings can escape using \
), so \\
will translate to \
, and you can just use \
if you use single quotes
Name | Type | Value |
grant_type | Body | refresh_token |
refresh_token | Body | [refresh_token] |
client_id | Body | D50E0C06-32D1-4B41-A137-A9A850C892C2 |
client_secret | Body | vDdWdKwPNaPCyhCDhaCnNeydyLxSGNJX |
Note: Since April 1st of 2021, SOMToday started using a different OAuth2 implementation in their app (SSO). The requests used to contain a client_secret
, along with the client_id
, currently, only the client_id
is needed. The documentation has been adapted accordingly. Thanks to everyone on Discord for giving me a heads up about this problem, and special thanks to @jktechs for figuring out that omitting the client_secret
makes it work again.
You get the refresh_token
when you fetch the access token with the username and password.
"access_token": "<REDACTED>",
"refresh_token": "<REDACTED>",
"somtoday_api_url": "https://bonhoeffer-api.somtoday.nl",
"scope": "openid",
"somtoday_tenant": "bonhoeffer",
"id_token": "<REDACTED>",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600
The somtoday_api_url
is used for all non-authentication requests, like for getting grades.
token_type, scope and (probably) expires_in are always the same, the other values change depending on the user, and school (the tokens are of course randomly generated).
This example uses the client_id
and client_secret
in body method of authorization.
curl "https://somtoday.nl/oauth2/token" -d "grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=$token&client_id=D50E0C06-32D1-4B41-A137-A9A850C892C2&client_secret=vDdWdKwPNaPCyhCDhaCnNeydyLxSGNJX"
Name | Type | Value |
grant_type | Body | authorization_code |
redirect_uri | Body | [redirect_uri] |
code_verifier | Body | [code_verifier] |
code | Body | [code] |
scope | Body | openid |
client_id | Body | D50E0C06-32D1-4B41-A137-A9A850C892C2 |
is the link redirected to after the user logged in. (Must be the same as in the login link and one of a few specified values. An example is: somtodayleerling://oauth/callback
is the string that was encoded and send in the login link. (Must be the same as in the login link when encoded using the method specified in the login link)
is the code that has been send to the redirect uri. it is a JWT token (5 base64 url encoded blocks sepperated by '.')
"access_token": "<REDACTED>",
"refresh_token": "<REDACTED>",
"somtoday_api_url": "https://bonhoeffer-api.somtoday.nl",
"scope": "openid",
"somtoday_tenant": "bonhoeffer",
"id_token": "<REDACTED>",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600
The somtoday_api_url
is used for all non-authentication requests, like for getting grades.
token_type, scope and (probably) expires_in are always the same, the other values change depending on the user, and school (the tokens are of course randomly generated).
redirect_uri='somtodayleerling://oauth/callback' code_verifier='SOME_BASE64_CODE' code='SOME_TOKEN'
curl "https://somtoday.nl/oauth2/token" -d "grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=$redirect_uri&code_verifier=$code_verifier&code=$code&scope=openid&client_id=D50E0C06-32D1-4B41-A137-A9A850C892C2"
To generate the verifier you need to generate a random 32-byte url encoced base64 value and use some algorithm to encode it. I would advise to use sha256. Here is a node.js example.
// source: https://auth0.com/docs/authorization/flows/call-your-api-using-the-authorization-code-flow-with-pkce#create-code-challenge
// Dependency: Node.js crypto module
// https://nodejs.org/api/crypto.html#crypto_crypto
function base64URLEncode(str) {
return str.toString('base64')
.replace(/\+/g, '-')
.replace(/\//g, '_')
.replace(/=/g, '');
var verifier = base64URLEncode(crypto.randomBytes(32));
function sha256(buffer) {
return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(buffer).digest();
var challenge = base64URLEncode(sha256(verifier));
The url that the client has to visit to get a login window is https://somtoday.nl/oauth2/authorize
These are the parameters:
Name | Type | Value |
response_type | Body | code |
redirect_uri | Body | [uri] |
code_challenge | Body | [code_challenge] |
tenant_uuid | Body | [tenant_uuid] |
oidc_iss | Body | [oidc_iss] |
code_challenge_method | Body | [code_challenge_method] |
(state) | Body | [custom_state] |
prompt | Body | login |
scope | Body | openid |
client_id | Body | D50E0C06-32D1-4B41-A137-A9A850C892C2 |
and code_challenge
have been described already.
and oidc_iss
can be found in the organisaties.json inside oidcurls
is the method used to encode the code_verifier
. It is highly advised to use 'S256' wich stands for Sha256.
is an optional parameter.
will be included in the callback and can be used for identification while fetching multiple tokens.
After the user has logged in the page will redirect to the uri
with these paramaters
Name | Type | Value |
code | Body | [code] |
(state) | Body | [custom_state] |
iss | Body | https://somtoday.nl |
is the previously defined value.
has already been described
baseurl: returned when you fetch a token (somtoday_api_url
), usually [lowercase snakecased schoolname]-api.somtoday.nl
All routes here are prefixed with that baseurl.
This REST method might return multiple students (I cannot test), since it says /leerlingen (Dutch plural for student).
I suppose it returns all students the current user has access to (so if a school administrator runs it, it will return all students on the school).
Name | Type | Value |
Authorization | Header | Bearer [access_token] |
additional | Parameter | pasfoto |
The additional parameter is an optional GET parameter.
Depending on the additional parameters, some of the items in the result may not be present. Assuming pasfoto
is set:
"items": [
"$type": "leerling.RLeerling",
"links": [
"id": 1234,
"rel": "self",
"type": "leerling.RLeerling",
"href": "https://bonhoeffer-api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/leerlingen/1234"
"permissions": [
"full": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer:READ:INSTANCE(1234)",
"type": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer",
"operations": ["READ"],
"instances": ["INSTANCE(1234)"]
"additionalObjects": {
"pasfoto": {
"$type": "leerling.RLeerlingpasfoto",
"links": [
"id": 1234,
"rel": "self"
"permissions": [],
"additionalObjects": {},
"datauri": "<base64 image>"
"leerlingnummer": 450000,
"roepnaam": "Eli",
"achternaam": "Saado",
"email": "[email protected]",
"mobielNummer": "06-00000000",
"geboortedatum": "2000-00-00",
"geslacht": "Man"
token='<REDACTED>' school_url=https://bonhoeffer-api.somtoday.nl
curl "$school_url/rest/v1/leerlingen" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -H "Accept: application/json"
Name | Type | Value |
id | URL | [user id] |
Authorization | Header | Bearer [access_token] |
"links": [
"id": 1234,
"rel": "self",
"type": "leerling.RLeerling",
"href": "https://bonhoeffer-api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/leerlingen/1234"
"permissions": [
"full": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer:READ:INSTANCE(1234)",
"type": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer",
"operations": ["READ"],
"instances": ["INSTANCE(1234)"]
"additionalObjects": {},
"leerlingnummer": 450000,
"roepnaam": "Eli",
"achternaam": "Saado",
"email": "[email protected]",
"mobielNummer": "06-00000000",
"geboortedatum": "2000-00-00",
"geslacht": "Man"
token='<REDACTED>' school_url=https://bonhoeffer-api.somtoday.nl id=1234
curl "$school_url/rest/v1/leerlingen/$id" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -H "Accept: application/json"
Fetches the grades of the student. Note that all average grades are also grade items returned by the API. There are the different types of columns: the type
property in the json (e.g. 'Toetskolom', 'ToetssoortGemiddeldeKolom').
Name | Type | Value |
id | URL | [user id] |
Authorization | Header | Bearer [access_token] |
Range | Header | items=[LowerBound]-[UpperBound] |
additional | Parameter | berekendRapportCijfer |
additional | Parameter | samengesteldeToetskolomId |
additional | Parameter | resultaatkolomId |
additional | Parameter | cijferkolomId |
additional | Parameter | toetssoortnaam |
additional | Parameter | huidigeAnderVakKolommen |
These LowerBound and UpperBound values are the amount of grades you want to request (the API uses pagination here). The value may not exceed 100, so the way to request all grades is by doing the following:
- Request 0-99
- Request 100-199
- Request 200-299
- Request .00-.99
- Continue until the response contains less than 99 records
- Profit!
"items": [
"$type": "resultaten.RResultaat",
"links": [
"id": 1234,
"rel": "self",
"type": "resultaten.RResultaat",
"href": "https://api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/resultaten/1234"
"permissions": [
"full": "resultaten.RResultaat:READ:INSTANCE(<REDACTED>)",
"type": "resultaten.RResultaat",
"operations": [
"instances": [
"additionalObjects": {},
"herkansingstype": "Geen",
"resultaat": "7.9",
"geldendResultaat": "7.9",
"datumInvoer": "2019-09-10T13:41:11.805+02:00",
"teltNietmee": false,
"toetsNietGemaakt": false,
"leerjaar": 0,
"periode": 0,
"examenWeging": 0,
"isExamendossierResultaat": true,
"isVoortgangsdossierResultaat": false,
"type": "ToetssoortGemiddeldeKolom",
"vak": {
"links": [
"id": 1234,
"rel": "self",
"type": "onderwijsinrichting.RVak",
"href": "https://api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/vakken/1234"
"permissions": [
"full": "onderwijsinrichting.RVak:READ:INSTANCE(<REDACTED>)",
"type": "onderwijsinrichting.RVak",
"operations": [
"instances": [
"additionalObjects": {},
"afkorting": "ckv",
"naam": "culturele en kunstzinnige vorming"
"leerling": {
"links": [
"id": 1234,
"rel": "self",
"type": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer",
"href": "https://api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/leerlingen/1234"
"permissions": [
"full": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer:READ:INSTANCE(<REDACTED>)",
"type": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer",
"operations": [
"instances": [
"additionalObjects": {},
"UUID": "070dabd4-3449-4af3-8c38-788faac283a3",
"leerlingnummer": 1234,
"roepnaam": "<REDACTED>",
"voorvoegsel": "<REDACTED>",
"achternaam": "<REDACTED>"
Fetch the appointments from the schedule of the student.
Name | Type | Value |
Authorization | Header | Bearer [access_token] |
sort | Parameter | asc-id |
additional | Parameter | vak |
additional | Parameter | docentAfkortingen |
additional | Parameter | leerlingen |
begindatum | Parameter | yyyy-MM-dd |
einddatum | Parameter | yyyy-MM-dd |
"items": [
"$type": "participatie.RAfspraak",
"links": [
"id": 8849104409,
"rel": "self",
"type": "participatie.RAfspraak",
"href": "AFSPRAAK_URL"
"permissions": [
"full": "participatie.RAfspraak:READ:INSTANCE(8849104409)",
"type": "participatie.RAfspraak",
"operations": ["READ"],
"instances": ["INSTANCE(8849104409)"]
"additionalObjects": {
"vak": {
"$type": "onderwijsinrichting.RVak",
"links": [
"id": 126211284,
"rel": "self",
"type": "onderwijsinrichting.RVak",
"href": "VAK_URL"
"permissions": [
"full": "onderwijsinrichting.RVak:READ:INSTANCE(126211284)",
"type": "onderwijsinrichting.RVak",
"operations": ["READ"],
"instances": ["INSTANCE(126211284)"]
"additionalObjects": {},
"afkorting": "wisB",
"naam": "wiskunde B"
"docentAfkortingen": "Stk",
"leerlingen": {
"$type": "LinkableWrapper",
"items": [
"$type": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer",
"links": [
"id": 546308480,
"rel": "self",
"type": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer",
"href": "LEERLING_URL"
"permissions": [
"full": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer:READ:INSTANCE(546308480)",
"type": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer",
"operations": ["READ"],
"instances": ["INSTANCE(546308480)"]
"additionalObjects": {},
"leerlingnummer": 119371,
"roepnaam": "Christos",
"achternaam": "Karapasias"
"afspraakType": {
"links": [
"id": 144662674,
"rel": "self",
"type": "participatie.RAfspraakType",
"permissions": [
"full": "participatie.RAfspraakType:READ:INSTANCE(144662674)",
"type": "participatie.RAfspraakType",
"operations": ["READ"],
"instances": ["INSTANCE(144662674)"]
"additionalObjects": {},
"naam": "Les",
"omschrijving": "Les",
"standaardKleur": -2394583,
"categorie": "Rooster",
"activiteit": "Verplicht",
"percentageIIVO": 0,
"presentieRegistratieDefault": true,
"actief": true,
"vestiging": {
"$type": "instelling.RVestiging",
"links": [
"id": 126208855,
"rel": "self",
"type": "instelling.RVestiging",
"permissions": [
"full": "instelling.RVestiging:READ:INSTANCE(126208855)",
"type": "instelling.RVestiging",
"operations": ["READ"],
"instances": ["INSTANCE(126208855)"]
"additionalObjects": {},
"naam": "Fortes Lyceum"
"locatie": "217",
"beginDatumTijd": "2020-05-04T11:15:00.000+02:00",
"eindDatumTijd": "2020-05-04T12:00:00.000+02:00",
"beginLesuur": 4,
"eindLesuur": 4,
"titel": "217 - A5wisB_2 - Stk",
"omschrijving": "217 - A5wisB_2 - Stk",
"presentieRegistratieVerplicht": true,
"presentieRegistratieVerwerkt": false,
"afspraakStatus": "ACTIEF",
"vestiging": {
"links": [
"id": 126208855,
"rel": "self",
"type": "instelling.RVestiging",
"permissions": [
"full": "instelling.RVestiging:READ:INSTANCE(126208855)",
"type": "instelling.RVestiging",
"operations": ["READ"],
"instances": ["INSTANCE(126208855)"]
"additionalObjects": {},
"naam": "SCHOOL_NAAM"
curl "$school_url/rest/v1/afspraken?sort=asc-id&additional=vak&additional=docentAfkortingen&additional=leerlingen&begindatum=2020-05-01&einddatum=2020-05-19" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -H "Accept: application/json"
Fetches the absence reports of the user
Name | Type | Value |
Authorization | Header | Bearer [access_token] |
begindatumtijd | Parameter | yyyy-MM-dd |
einddatumtijd | Parameter | yyyy-MM-dd |
Array of absance reports
"items": [
"$type": "participatie.RAbsentieMelding",
"links": [
"id": 1234567890123,
"rel": "self",
"type": "participatie.RAbsentieMelding",
"href": "{{api_url}}/rest/v1/waarnemingen/1234567890123"
"permissions": [],
"additionalObjects": {},
"leerling": {
"links": [
"id": 1234567890,
"rel": "self",
"type": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer",
"href": "{{api_url}}/rest/v1/leerlingen/1234567890"
"permissions": [],
"additionalObjects": {},
"UUID": "12abc34e-12a3-1a2b-a1b2-1a2b34cd5e67",
"leerlingnummer": 100000,
"roepnaam": "Name",
"achternaam": "Name"
"absentieReden": {
"links": [
"id": 1234567890,
"rel": "self",
"type": "participatie.RAbsentieRedenPrimer",
"href": "{{api_url}}/rest/v1/absentieredenen/1234567890"
"permissions": [],
"additionalObjects": {},
"absentieSoort": "Absent",
"afkorting": "XC",
"omschrijving": "Onbekend",
"geoorloofd": false
"datumTijdInvoer": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS+HH:mm",
"beginDatumTijd": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS+HH:mm",
"eindDatumTijd": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS+HH:mm",
"beginLesuur": 3,
"eindLesuur": 3,
"afgehandeld": true,
"eigenaar": {
"links": [
"id": 1234567890,
"rel": "self",
"type": "medewerker.RMedewerker",
"href": "{{api_url}}/rest/v1/medewerkers/1234567890"
"permissions": [],
"additionalObjects": {},
"UUID": "12abc34e-12a3-1a2b-a1b2-1a2b34cd5e67",
"nummer": 100000,
"afkorting": "HH",
"achternaam": "Henk",
"geslacht": "MAN",
"voorletters": "H.H.",
"roepnaam": "Hans"
Fetches the study guides for the user
Name | Type | Value |
Authorization | Header | Bearer [access_token] |
additional | Parameter | leerlingen |
additional | Parameter | bijlagen |
additional | Parameter | externeMaterialen |
additional | Parameter | bijlageMappen |
The additional parameters are optional GET parameters to include information in the result. leerlingen
will only give back 1 result when queried by a student, but will fetch all students when queried by a teacher/school admin.
Depending on the additional parameters, some of the items in the result may not be present. Assuming all 4 are set:
"items": [
"$type": "studiewijzer.RStudiewijzer",
"links": [
"id": 3709468886305,
"rel": "self",
"type": "studiewijzer.RStudiewijzer",
"href": "https://api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/studiewijzers/3709468886305"
"permissions": [
"full": "studiewijzer.RStudiewijzer:READ:INSTANCE(3709468886305)",
"type": "studiewijzer.RStudiewijzer",
"operations": [
"instances": [
"additionalObjects": {
"bijlageMappen": {
"$type": "LinkableWrapper",
"items": []
"bijlagen": {
"$type": "LinkableWrapper",
"items": []
"leerlingen": {
"$type": "LinkableWrapper",
"items": [
"$type": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer",
"links": [
"id": 9496745174,
"rel": "self",
"type": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer",
"href": "https://api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/leerlingen/9496745174"
"permissions": [
"full": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer:READ:INSTANCE(9496745174)",
"type": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer",
"operations": [
"instances": [
"additionalObjects": {},
"UUID": "f8cf6f6c-c213-4526-8ba1-6a306cf724a4",
"leerlingnummer": 123456,
"roepnaam": "{{first_name}}",
"achternaam": "{{last_name}}"
"externeMaterialen": {
"$type": "LinkableWrapper",
"items": []
"uuid": "4d2188a0-03d8-4dca-9f51-0e54d3c353c6",
"naam": "vwo5.schka",
"vestiging": {
"links": [
"id": 9496567717,
"rel": "self",
"type": "instelling.RVestiging",
"href": "https://api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/vestigingen/9496567717"
"permissions": [
"full": "instelling.RVestiging:READ:INSTANCE(9496567717)",
"type": "instelling.RVestiging",
"operations": [
"instances": [
"additionalObjects": {},
"naam": "Stella Maris College Meerssen"
"lesgroep": {
"links": [
"id": 3543707887108,
"rel": "self",
"type": "lesgroep.RLesgroep",
"href": "https://api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/lesgroepen/3543707887108"
"permissions": [
"full": "lesgroep.RLesgroep:READ:INSTANCE(3543707887108)",
"type": "lesgroep.RLesgroep",
"operations": [
"instances": [
"additionalObjects": {},
"UUID": "d4afb5b8-fbf6-4bbd-ac73-cb50cc883392",
"naam": "vwo5.schka",
"schooljaar": {
"$type": "onderwijsinrichting.RSchooljaar",
"links": [
"id": 40851957,
"rel": "self",
"type": "onderwijsinrichting.RSchooljaar",
"href": "https://api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/schooljaren/40851957"
"permissions": [
"full": "onderwijsinrichting.RSchooljaar:READ:INSTANCE(40851957)",
"type": "onderwijsinrichting.RSchooljaar",
"operations": [
"instances": [
"additionalObjects": {},
"naam": "2021/2022",
"vanafDatum": "2021-08-01",
"totDatum": "2022-07-31",
"isHuidig": true
"vak": {
"links": [
"id": 9505018979,
"rel": "self",
"type": "onderwijsinrichting.RVak",
"href": "https://api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/vakken/9505018979"
"permissions": [
"full": "onderwijsinrichting.RVak:READ:INSTANCE(9505018979)",
"type": "onderwijsinrichting.RVak",
"operations": [
"instances": [
"additionalObjects": {},
"afkorting": "schk",
"naam": "Scheikunde"
"heeftStamgroep": false,
"examendossierOndersteund": true,
"vestiging": {
"links": [
"id": 9496567717,
"rel": "self",
"type": "instelling.RVestiging",
"href": "https://api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/vestigingen/9496567717"
"permissions": [
"full": "instelling.RVestiging:READ:INSTANCE(9496567717)",
"type": "instelling.RVestiging",
"operations": [
"instances": [
"additionalObjects": {},
"naam": "Stella Maris College Meerssen"
Fetches the subjects for the user
Name | Type | Value |
Authorization | Header | Bearer [access_token] |
"items": [
"$type": "onderwijsinrichting.RVak",
"links": [
"id": 123456789,
"rel": "self",
"type": "onderwijsinrichting.RVak",
"href": "https://api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/vakken/123456789"
"permissions": [
"full": "onderwijsinrichting.RVak:READ:INSTANCE(123456789)",
"type": "onderwijsinrichting.RVak",
"operations": [
"instances": [
"additionalObjects": {},
"afkorting": "<abbreviation>",
"naam": "<subject>"
Fetches information about the account that is connected with the Somtoday access token
Name | Type | Value |
id | URL | [user-id] |
Authorization | Header | Bearer [access_token] |
There are some parameters seeing the 'additionalObjects' field, but I don't know what they are.
"items": [
"$type": "auth.RAccount",
"links": [
"id": 1234567890,
"rel": "self",
"type": "auth.RAccount",
"href": "https://api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/account/1234567890"
"permissions": [
"full": "auth.RAccount:READ:INSTANCE(1234567890)",
"type": "auth.RAccount",
"operations": [
"instances": [
"additionalObjects": {},
"gebruikersnaam": "[REDACTED]",
"accountPermissions": [],
"persoon": {
"$type": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer",
"links": [
"id": "0123456789",
"rel": "self",
"type": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer",
"href": "https://api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/leerlingen/0123456789"
"permissions": [
"full": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer:READ:INSTANCE(1409824200)",
"type": "leerling.RLeerlingPrimer",
"operations": [
"instances": [
"additionalObjects": {},
"UUID": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"leerlingnummer": 100000,
"roepnaam": "Name",
"voorvoegsel": "Name",
"achternaam": "Name"
Fetches information about a school year
Name | Type | Value |
id | URL | [id] |
id | URL | huidig |
Authorization | Header | Bearer [access_token] |
When you want info about the current school year add /huidig to the url
"items": [
"$type": "onderwijsinrichting.RSchooljaar",
"links": [
"id": 40851958, //this id is for everyone the same (in this case for year 2022/2023)
"rel": "self",
"type": "onderwijsinrichting.RSchooljaar",
"href": "https://api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/schooljaren/40851958"
"permissions": [
"full": "onderwijsinrichting.RSchooljaar:READ:INSTANCE(40851958)",
"type": "onderwijsinrichting.RSchooljaar",
"operations": [
"instances": [
"additionalObjects": {},
"naam": "2022/2023",
"vanafDatum": "2022-08-01",
"totDatum": "2023-07-31",
"isHuidig": true
GET /rest/v1/medewerkers/ontvangers
GET /rest/v1/waarnemingen/
GET /rest/v1/onderwijsopafstandperiodes/