A short JavaScript function that parses a time string and returns a Date object. It handles a wide variety of time input formats.
Takes a string representing a time and returns a Date object with January 1, 1970 and the specified time. Returns null if given a null or empty time string. Returns a Date object representing an invalid date if the time string is invalid.
Example formats:
1:32 PM
1:32 p.m.
See test/tests.html for the full list of supported time input formats.
Call the function, passing in the string to parse.
parseTime('9:45 AM'); // -> Date object (Jan 01 1970 09:45)
parseTime(''); // -> null
parseTime('abc'); // -> Date object (Invalid Date)
You can use the utility functions to detect invalid dates and format the time.
isValidDate(parseTime('9:45 AM')); // -> true
isInvalidDate(parseTime('abc')); // -> true
dateToTimeString(parseTime('9am')); // => '9:00 AM'
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