This is a list, in alphabetical order, of people to follow that contribute greatly to web accessibility and web standards.
- Adrian Roselli
- Alice Boxhall @[email protected]
- Alistair Duggin @dugboticus
- Anna E. Cook @annaecook
- Andrea Skeries @Artistic_Abode
- Andrew Arch @amja
- Andrew Somers @MyndexResearch
- Ashley Bischoff @handcoding
- Becky Gibson @becka11y
- Billy Gregory @thebillygregory
- Carie Fisher @cariefisher
- Charles Hall @atCharlesHall
- Chris DeMars @saltnburnem
- Claudia Nascimento @claumartin
- Cory Klatik @coryj206
- Cordelia McGee-Tubb @cordeliadillon
- Crystal Preston-Watson @ScopicEngineer
- Cynthia Shelly @cyns
- Dave Rupert @davatron5000
- David A. Kennedy @davidakennedy
- David Sloan @sloandr
- Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Debra Ruh @debraruh
- Denis Boudreau @dboudreau
- Dennis Gaebel @gryghostvisuals
- Dennis Lembrée
- Derek Featherstone @feather
- Devon Persing @devonpersing
- Doug Schepers @[email protected]
- Dylan Barrell @dylanbarrell
- Eliza Greenwood @E_lizaG
- Elle Waters linkedin@nethermind
- Eric Bailey @ericwbailey
- Eric Eggert
- Estelle Weyl
- Gareth Ford Williams @GarethFW
- Glenda Sims @goodwitch
- Graham Armfield @coolfields
- Heather S. Neff @HeatherSNeff
- Helena McCabe @misshelenasue
- Henny Swan @iheni
- Heydon Pickering @heydonworks
- Homer Gaines @xirclebox
- Ire Aderinokun @ireaderinokun
- Jamie Knight @JamieKnight
- Jared Smith @jared_w_smith
- Jason Kiss @jkiss
- Jeffrey Zeldman @zeldman
- Jen Simmons @jensimmons
- Jennifer Sutton @jsutt
- Jennison Asuncion @Jennison
- JoAnna Hunt @johunt0311
- Joe Dolson @joedolson
- Joe Watkins @_josephwatkins
- John Foliot @johnfoliot
- Jonathan Hassell @jonhassell
- Jonny James @heresjonnyjames
- Joseph Karr O'Connor @AccessibleJoe
- Jules Ernst @JulezRulez
- Julianna Rowsell @JuliannaRowsell
- Karl Groves @karlgroves
- Kathy Wahlbin @wahlbin
- Lainey Feingold @LFLegal
- Laura Carlson @laura_carlson
- Laura Kalbag @laurakalbag
- Léonie Watson @LeonieWatson
- Lucy Greco @accessaces
- Luke McGrath @lukejmcgrath
- Manuel Matuzović @mmatuzo
- Marco Zehe @MarcoInEnglish
- Marcy Sutton @marcysutton
- Melanie Sumner @melaniersumner
- Meryl Evans @merylkevans
- Michael Spellacy @spellacy
- Michiel Bijl @MichielBijl
- Mike Gifford @mgifford
- Mike Paciello @mpaciello
- Monika Piotrowicz @monsika
- Nat Tarnoff @nattarnoff
- Neil Milliken @NeilMilliken
- Nicolas Steenhout @vavroom
- Patrick Fox @patrickfox
- Patrick H. Lauke @patrick_h_lauke
- Paul Adam @pauljadam
- Rachel Carden @bamadesigner
- Rian Rietveld @RianRietveld
- Rob Dodson @rob_dodson
- Russ Weakley @russmaxdesign
- Sarah Horton @gradualclearing
- Sarah Pulis @sarahtp
- Scott O'Hara @scottohara
- Scott Vinkle @svinkle
- Sharron Rush @sharrush
- Shawn Lauriat @slauriat
- Shawn Lawton Henry @shawn_slh
- Sina Bahram @SinaBahram
- Sommer Panage @Sommer
- Stefan Judis @stefanjudis
- Steph Slattery @sublimemarch
- Steve Faulkner @stevefaulkner
- Suz Hinton @noopkat
- Svetlana Kouznetsova @svknyc
- Ted Drake @ted_drake
- Tiffany Brown @webinista
- Todd Libby @toddlibby
- Vicent Sanchis @visanju
- Victor Tsaran @vick08
- 3play Media @3playmedia
- A11Y Project @A11YProject
- Accessibility Developer Guide @A11yDevGuide
- AccessibilityOz @AcessibilityOz
- Accessible Techcomm @AccessTechcomm
- Acesso Para Todos @acessoparatodos
- Audima Brasil @audimabrasil
- Axess Lab @AxessLab
- Deque Systems @dequesystems
- Easy Chirp @EasyChirp
- Google Accessibility @googleaccess
- Hand Talk @handtalkbr
- IBMAccess @IBMAccess
- Inclusive Components @inclusicomps
- Inclusive Reading Technologies @A11yReadTech
- Intopia @IntopiaDigital
- Knowbility @knowbility
- Level Access @LevelAccessA11y
- Microsoft Access @MSFTEnable
- NV Access @NVAccess
- Open Inclusion @openforaccess
- Paciello Group @paciellogroup
- Simply Accessible @sateaches
- The W4A Conference @w4a_conference
- Twitter A11y @TwitterA11y
- UsableNet @Usablenet
- User1st @User1st
- WAI at W3C @w3c_wai
- Web Axe @webaxe
- WebAIM @webaim
- WPAccessibility Team @WPAccessibility
- #a11yTO @a11yTO
- a11yBytes @a11ybytes
- A11y Berlin @a11yberlin
- A11YChi Meetup @A11YChi
- a11yEdinburgh @a11yEdinburgh
- a11yLondon @a11yLondon
- a11yMTL @a11yMTL
- a11yQC @a11yqc
- A11YRTP @A11yRtp
- A11ySEA @a11ysea
- AccessibilityBayArea @a11ybay
- Accessibility Club @a11yclub
- AccessibilityDC @AccessibilityDC
- AccessibilityNYC @a11yNYC
- Accessibility Ottawa @a11yYOW
- AnnArborA11y @annarbora11y
- Buffa11y @buffa11y
- HackerYou Web Accessibility Club @hya11y
- Open @openmcr
- role=drinks @roledrinks
- Portland Accessibility and User Experience @pdxa11yux
- A Web for Everyone by Sarah Horton & Whitney Quesenbery
- Accessibility for Everyone by Laura Kalbag
- Adaptive Web Design by Aaron Gustafson
- Color Accessibility Workflows by Geri Coady
- Designing for Real Life by Sara Wachter-Boettcher and Eric Meyer
- Inclusive Design Patterns by Heydon Pickering
If you believe someone should be added to this list please submit a PR we'd love to add them.