A standalone repository which includes the data and code used to build the figures, and .tex files to create the thesis.
The .pdf is included but here is a link to the published thesis in UBC's online repository.
LaTeX was written in Overleaf using the UBC thesis template.
Commits were pushed to the repo with the command git pull overleaf master --allow-unrelated-histories --rebase=falsez
Plots were made in IGOR and then organised in Keynote.
The Keynote was saved as a .pdf and automatically cropped with pdfresizer and then split with smallpdf.
- I used a tool from DavidMathLogic to ensure my colour palette for categorical variables was colour blind compatible
- For continuous variables I used Kenneth Mooreland's blog to determine a palette.
Here are a few pretty pictures to get you interested in reading the thesis. :)
The Kondo effect, a phenomenon originally observed in impure metals decades ago, has been studied more recently in quantum devices. These devices offer precise control to test theoretical predictions. In these devices, a single electron on an isolated island is connected to a bath of electrons on each side. Previous studies have measured the conductance through the island as a single electron is added and observed a large increase in conductance as the system's temperature was lowered. These experiments used a small barrier between the island and surrounding electrons. In our experiment, we used a large barrier, resulting in an increase in conductance that was too small to measure with previous methods. To measure this small increase in conductance, we also measure the island's occupation as a single electron is added. When the barriers to the island are symmetric, we find agreement with theory, and surprising disagreement when asymmetric.
The Kondo effect, first discovered in impure bulk metals during the 1930s and explained in the 1960s, has gained significant interest within the field of quantum devices. These devices offer a high degree of tunability and control, enabling rigorous testing of theoretical predictions. Previous studies on the Kondo effect have measured conductance through a quantum dot and observed a zero-bias peak between Coulomb peaks. This effect requires strong coupling between the quantum dot and leads. This work studies a relatively weak coupling, where the characteristic zero-bias peak between Coulomb peaks is not observed. However, as charge degeneracy of the quantum dot is approached, the Kondo temperature increases. This results in a small conductance enhancement at the shoulder of the Coulomb peak. We show that a simultaneous measurement of the quantum dot's occupation can unveil the small enhancement of conductance due to the Kondo effect. To compare with Numerical Renormalisation Group (NRG) theory, conductance and occupation are measured across a range of temperatures to determine fitting parameters. Good agreement is found at a range of coupling strengths and charge sensor current setpoints. However, a discrepancy is found when the tunnel barriers to the quantum dot are asymmetrically tuned. Strong asymmetric coupling approaches a regime where the quantum dot is coupled to a single lead. A recent measurement of the entropy of a quantum dot coupled to a single lead where Kondo correlations were expected also observed a discrepancy between data and NRG. Interestingly, this work shows that conductance data displays greater Kondo enhancement than NRG, whereas previously measured entropy showed less Kondo enhancement than NRG. A direct comparison of conductance and entropy measured in the same device under similar settings holds promise for illuminating this discrepancy.