- multipass + k3s or talos + proxmox
- argocd gitops continuous delivery for k8s
- onepassword-operator via their helm chart for managing secrets
- superset via their helm chart for building dashboards etc.
- minio-operator via their helm chart for providing object storage
- eck-operator via there helm chart for standing up elasticsearch
- kube-prometheus-stack via their helm chart for monitoring
- longhorn providing storage for the cluster
- cloudflare zero trust tunnels exposing services externally (in lieu of ingress etc)
Set the kubectl
context to the cluster we are setting up.
set k8s_context_name default
# or
set k8s_context_name admin@talos-proxmox-cluster
kubectl config use-context $k8s_context_name
kubectl create namespace argocd \
&& kubectl apply -n argocd -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj/argo-cd/stable/manifests/install.yaml \
&& sleep 5 \
&& kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pods --all -n argocd --timeout=300s
set env xcel-on-prem
kubectl apply -f apps/$env.yaml \
&& kubectl rollout restart deployment argocd-server --namespace argocd \
&& kubectl rollout status deployment/argocd-server --namespace argocd
set ARGOCD_PASSWORD $(kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d)
echo $ARGOCD_PASSWORD | pbcopy
name | locaction | cluster type | host | description |
local | local machine | orbstack | localhost | a local testing cluster |
xcel-on-prem | trashcans | talos | proxmox | Talos cluster running in Proxmox on the trashcan |
amfaro-dev | trashcans | talos | proxmox | Talos cluster running in Proxmox on the trashcan |
pgrep cloudflared | xargs kill -9 || true
cloudflared access tcp \
--hostname k8s.$EXTERNAL_DOMAIN \
--url \
> /dev/null 2>&1 &
kubectl config use-context admin@$NAME-cluster