You can now emit multiple out-of-stream variables side-by-side.
Doc link:
$ mlr --from data/medium --opprint put -q '
@x_count[$a][$b] += 1;
@x_sum[$a][$b] += $x;
end {
for ((a, b), _ in @x_count) {
@x_mean[a][b] = @x_sum[a][b] / @x_count[a][b]
emit (@x_sum, @x_count, @x_mean), "a", "b"
a b x_sum x_count x_mean
pan pan 219.185129 427 0.513314
pan wye 198.432931 395 0.502362
pan eks 216.075228 429 0.503672
pan hat 205.222776 417 0.492141
pan zee 205.097518 413 0.496604
eks pan 179.963030 371 0.485076
eks wye 196.945286 407 0.483895
eks zee 176.880365 357 0.495463
eks eks 215.916097 413 0.522799
eks hat 208.783171 417 0.500679
wye wye 185.295850 377 0.491501
wye pan 195.847900 392 0.499612
wye hat 212.033183 426 0.497730
wye zee 194.774048 385 0.505907
wye eks 204.812961 386 0.530604
zee pan 202.213804 389 0.519830
zee wye 233.991394 455 0.514267
zee eks 190.961778 391 0.488393
zee zee 206.640635 403 0.512756
zee hat 191.300006 409 0.467726
hat wye 208.883010 423 0.493813
hat zee 196.349450 385 0.509999
hat eks 189.006793 389 0.485879
hat hat 182.853532 381 0.479931
hat pan 168.553807 363 0.464336
Note that this example simply recapitulates the easier-to-type
mlr --from ../data/medium --opprint stats1 -a sum,count,mean -f x -g a,b
Brew update: Homebrew/homebrew-core#2213