This application is designed as an open source clone of Panic's real time dashboard application.
Watch for updates.
Here's a minimal set of steps to get it running:
gem install sinatra haml sass json pstore md5 eventmachine em-http-request harmony nokogiri
git clone git://
cd edash
git submodule update --init
# runs the websocket server, make sure port 8080 is readable from where you are. Use nohup to run as a daemon.
scripts/server &
# Run rackup in place, or use your favourite rack-compatible server
rackup &
curl -d "project=<project>" -d "status=<pass|fail|building>" [-d "author=name <email>"] -- http://localhost:9292/build
curl -d "project=<project>" -d "progress=[[\"started\", \"10\"],[\"finished\",\"20\"]]" -- http://localhost:9292/progress
This blog post contains a build-hook script which you can symlink all three CI Joe hook scripts to (after-reset, build-worked, build-failed). See that post for full instructions: It's what we use and therefore fairly easy.
(thanks to Gavin Heavyside)
- Copy
- Customise the server address and port as required
- Restart cruisecontrol.rb
(thanks to Paul Battley)
- Follow the instructions on this gist