XoiMandel is a simple and fast GUI based fractal rendering tool.
On startup it displays the main body of the Mandelbrot-Set. Navigation is easy and intuitive by using the mouse:
Zoom in or out: Point + Scroll-Wheel
Move the fractal: Point + Left-Click + Move
Change Resolution: Change Window Size
$ sudo apt install build-essential
$ sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev
$ git clone https://github.com/johsteffens/beth
$ git clone https://github.com/johsteffens/xoimandel
$ cd xoimandel
$ make
$ ./bin/xoimandel
The Renderer uses a predefined color model and histogram equalization. However, a given position can be stored into a file and later reloaded. That file is text-based and can be edited with a simple text editor. To change the color model, locate the entry 'color_map' and change one of the 9 associated values:
ra,rb,rc (for red)
ga,gb,gc (for green)
ba,bb,bc (for blue)
Save the file, reload it into XoiMandel and see what happens.
XoiMandel is licensed under GPLv3+.
A fractal picture you create using XoiMandel is not limited by that license. You may use, distribute or publish such pictures freely under your own terms.
Except for creating a nice and easy-to-use tool for mathematical recreation, this application shall also demonstrate how to use the beth-framework and especially the programming language xoila.
© Johannes B. Steffens