Automatically install WRF and WPS using GUN.
- support Ubuntu, CentOS
- support WRF
- version: 4.2
- default compiler options: (dmpar) GNU(gfortran/gcc)
- support WPS
- version: 4.2
- default compiler options: Linux x86_64,gfortran (serial)
- suport WRFDA
- version: 4.2
- default compiler options: (dmpar) GNU(gfortran/gcc)
- installed WRFPLUS and WRFDA for 4DVAR run
- suport WRFHydro
- version: 4.2
- default compiler options: (dmpar) GNU (gfortran/gcc)
- coupled
- suport WRF-chem
- version: 4.2
- default compiler options: (dmpar) GNU (gfortran/gcc)
- change source
- support Debian 7/8/9
- support Ubuntu 14.04/16.06/18.04
- support CentOS 5/6/7
- Multi-core compilation option support
Known issues:
- WRF-chem will be build without Kpp in Ubuntu, but with Kpp in CentOS.
- WRFHydro can NOT build successfully in CentOS now.
Run the following command in your terminal.
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Sometimes, the network to access github in China is very poor, so change gitHub to gitee:
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
The script
has been tested in
- aliyun ESC (Elastic Compute Service): Ubuntu 18.04 - successfully
- aliyun ESC (Elastic Compute Service): CentOS 8.1 - successfully
- module file support
Yongpeng Zhang: [email protected]