A class that mimics the behavior of the so-called variant data type.
The Variant class can be transparently assigned and converted to/from any basic data type (string, datetime, sbyte, byte, short, int, long, ushort, uint, ulong, float, double, bool, char, decimal as well as their nullable types).
See the file test.cs to view the possibilities.
var v = new Variant(123);
Variant v2 = 0;
Console.WriteLine(v == v2);
Console.WriteLine(v > v2);
Console.WriteLine(v2 ? "v2 converted to true" : "v2 converted to false");
Console.WriteLine(((int?)new Variant(null)).HasValue);
Console.WriteLine(((DateTime)new Variant(DateTime.Now)).ToString("o"));
Console.WriteLine((bool)new Variant("False"));
Console.WriteLine((float)new Variant("123.321"));