Installs and configures flyway commandline tool from It installs files to /opt/flyway and creates symlink from /usr/bin/flyway to the binary in the /opt/flyway.
Ansible 1.4+. You'll need java on the host to use flyway, but this role will succeed even without java.
All variables are optional
- fly_version: (default: "4.2.0")
- flyway_download_url: (default: "")
- flyway_root: (default: /opt/flyway)
- flyway_config:
- database:
- dbms: (Tested with postgress and oracle)
- host: db hostname or IP
- port: 5432
- name: database name
- user: username
- password: password for username
- schemas: schemas to manage
- database:
- flyway_table: flyway table (default schema_history)
- flyway_locations: path to sql migrations (with 'filesystem:' prefix if needed, see examples)
- flyway_symlink_location: place for executable symlink (default: /usr/bin)
- hosts: javadb
- flyway
- flyway_root: /opt/flyway
- flyway_config:
host: localhost
port: 5432
dbms: postgresql
name: example
user: postgres
password: postgres
schemas: public, myschema
- flyway_locations: filesystem:/opt/migrations/
Configuration tested with Postgres 9.2.
- hosts: oracledb
- { role: flyway }
- flyway_driver: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
- flyway_config:
dbms: oracle
host: localhost
port: 1521
name: XE
user: APP
password: appsecret
schemas: APP
- flyway_locations: filesystem:/opt/migrations/full,filesystem:/opt/migrations/demo
Configuration tested with Oracle XE 11.
Note: To use flyway with Oracle you need to copy the driver jar to flyway:
- name: Copy Oracle JDBC driver to machine Flyway folder
copy: src=./lib/ojdbc6- dest=/opt/flyway/flyway-{{ flyway_version }}/drivers
sudo: yes
(c) George Shuklin 2015-2017, rastaman 2015