If you are interested in contributing the project here are some steps to help you get going
First follow the instructions bellow to install the development dependencies for your specific environment:
- Clone the project:
git clone https://github.com/jonterrylee/business_card_parser.git
- Enter the project's root directory
- Ensure you have the correct version of NodeJS installed
- Install global packages (may need root/admin rights):
npm install -g bower grunt-cli
- Install project node dependencies:
npm install
- Install project bower dependencies:
bower install
- Run the project
grunt serve
- String getName() : returns the full name of the individual (eg. John Smith, Susan Malick)
- String getPhoneNumber() : returns the phone number formatted as a sequence of digits
- String getEmailAddress() : returns the email address
- ContactInfo getContactInfo(String document)
- All regular expressions are tested with current data set. Should test with wider range of valid and invalid tests
- Better validation for phone numbers supporting extensions and international numbers.
- Better way to parse name. Currently going with just the email address as the best hint. Should add in additional ways to locate name if name not found in email.
- Validation is not needed for example