Releases: juanmcasillas/twichdrone
Twich Drone v1.0 release
This is the first release of TwichDrone. There are two things, the source files, and a image ready to burn for a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. This image has some default parameters set, so you have to configure your GOPRO3 in this way, if you plan to use it. Also you need to have the drone mounted in order to work
AP_SSID: TwichDrone01
AP_PASSWD: rainbow6
To burn the image:
gzip -dc TwichDrone_Raspberry.img.gz | dd of=/dev/yoursdcardhere
Now, configure the Arduino:
To upload the nanpy firmware to the Arduino, you need the ARDUINO IDE: (see Download and install it for your platform.
git clone
cd nanpy-firmware
cp sample_cfg.h Nanpy/
Connect the Arduino UNO via USB to your computer. If using a "clone" with a CH340/CH341 usb2serial, see the blog for the required drivers for your platform (Linux works, mac & windows need drivers).
Copy Nanpy directory under your "sketchbook" Arduino IDE directory, start your Arduino IDE, open Sketchbook/Nanpy, select the right board (Arduino UNO) and "Upload". Done.
Connect the Arduino to the Raspberry, and boot. It should work.
See the blog for detailled info. (