This document is the specification sheet for your work sample.
The application you have to create is a simple product inquiry web.
Where a customer can make an inquiry regarding a customized design of jewelry.
Therefore, you have to take in account the following points:
- You can only use the stable version Laravel or Lumen framework
- The well integration of testing is explicitly desired
- Strive for good code coverage
- You may use any library
- Quality over quantity
If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask us.
Save all the data in the MySQL database or SQLite.
Use background processing for a complex or long-running request.
You have to create the relational data model by yourself with regard to the requirements.
Take care of a structured naming.
Cache wisely!
Bonus point for well implemented design pattern.
Strive to create a testable frontend.
Bonus point for implementing SPA
The root page of the web is the inquiry page.
A customer can submit an inquiry right away without have to log in
Take care of abusive user, every unique IP address only allowed to submit data once every 10 seconds. Implement a mechanism to prevent this on server side
User can attach a reference to their design, it could be an image or link to a website
If the inquiry contains a reference to a website, that website will be fetched by our system and save as an image. We only scrape a well formed html and web scraping happen on server side. Don't forget to store the web scraping metadata!
After an inquiry submitted, an email notification send to customer contains a link to a page where they can view their inquiry.
We don't want to leak our data to the world, so instead of giving out the inquiry identifier use a unique token associated to that inquiry and only valid for 1 month.
Bonus point for implementing personalized recommendation
This page only intended for admin to access all submitted data.
- After after logging in, user will be directed to their intended page or home.
After logging in, all submitted inquiries will be shown in a table pagination.
When a new inquiry submitted, it will be pushed to the table right away, so admin don't have to refresh the page.
The most recent inquiry will be shown first
Cut description content to 20 words and postfix with '...'
A click on the row will redirect to the detail view
Six inquiries are shown per page and sorted by date
You can switch pagination by clicking on the links below the list
That image will be shown at inquiry detail.
Get a list of all inquiries from a customer by clicking
See all
link. -
A click on a reference image will show a pop up with that image inside.