We have detailed the description of the project on the DevFolio page, feel free to go and see!
Diagram of the interactions between the components of our project
Mathematical formula for tokenomics
→ 1. Duplicate this file and rename it to .env.local → 2. Define your preferred chain-ids and set respective RPCs (preset with ankr.com) → 3. Make sure to also define those environment variables on your deployment
IMPORTANT: To use those variables in the code: → 1. Add them in src/shared/environment.ts → 2. And always import env from @shared/environment (not from process) Flag to differentiate dev/demo/prod environments (i.e. for analytics) NEXT_PUBLIC_PRODUCTION_MODE=false
The current deployment url (i.e. useful for calling Next.js API routes) NEXT_PUBLIC_URL=http://localhost:3000/
The default chain & all supported ones wagmi, rainbowkit, and the useDeployments will use IMPORTANT: All respective RPC-urls must be defined below & hardhat deployments must be existent NEXT_PUBLIC_DEFAULT_CHAIN=1337 NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPPORTED_CHAINS=[1337, 11155111, 10, 534353]
NEXT_PUBLIC_RPC_1337= # Hardhat RPC NEXT_PUBLIC_RPC_1=https://rpc.ankr.com/eth # Mainnet RPC (IMPORTANT: Always needed, even if unsupported, i.e. for ENS-resolving)
NEXT_PUBLIC_RPC_11155111=https://rpc.ankr.com/eth_sepolia NEXT_PUBLIC_RPC_10=https://rpc.ankr.com/optimism NEXT_PUBLIC_RPC_534353=https://rpc.ankr.com/scroll_testnet